If I’d lived my life by what others were thinkin’, the heart inside me would’ve died
I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity
Someone had to reach for the risin’ star, I guess it was up to me
"Up to Me" by Bob Dylan)
Monday, December 11, 2017
Monday, December 04, 2017
Sunday, December 03, 2017
Friday, December 01, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Listen to the Entire Album: Road to Escondido (JJ Cale and Eric Clapton)
Request to Pope Francis to Exonerate Pierre Teilhard de Chardin from the Monitum
This is crucial because Teilhard's 'noosphere' is being attempted 'materialistically' i.e., via nanotechnology.
This is crucial because Teilhard's 'noosphere' is being attempted 'materialistically' i.e., via nanotechnology.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Tuesday, October 03, 2017
Monday, October 02, 2017
Tuesday, August 01, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Friday, July 14, 2017
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Thursday, July 06, 2017
Monday, July 03, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Weather Management
Evening’s pale charger has catapulted
the charcoal horizon
sun’s chariot streaks
rainbow sherbert-breasted
cirrho-cumulus tufts
in swirls of chemtrails
painted by solar geoengineers.
I hear him boasting of his masterpiece [as though he or she were not the handiwork of God!]:
“No Leonardo is required!
I have no pretension to artistry
and yet look:
even Rubens could not geoengineer such a sunset.
This is the 21st century!”
And so, the sunset continues to fade in velvet-stroked cerulean blues over roseate tufts of cotton candy pink diffused light
now chroma is disappearing
the cicada’s song rising to yet another crescendo and falling to a whisper with the tree frog
over a chirping cricket polyphony.
Such dense music.
Evening’s charger has catapulted into her charcoal palace
as the music of pennsylvania’s woods wafts and fades.
In late august all is wan and sear.
Such dense beauty.
Monday, June 26, 2017
Friday, June 23, 2017
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Monday, June 12, 2017
Bonhoeffer's Quote
The fact that the foolish person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him.
He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the foolish person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers From Prison
He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the foolish person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers From Prison
Thursday, June 08, 2017
Wednesday, June 07, 2017
What color is your day?
Dad used to ask his children: What color of day will it be? Today was a fine day---reminds me of Ireland's thick full breasted Spring sky and now we are into June by one week! I am working the soils and it is such a wondrous and beautiful---to help nature and God with the fine details of his vegetable world. The rabbits are doing wonderful---very prolific---mothers digging nests and stuffing their mouths the wee kits and bunnies feeling the exuberance of this calm day---they are at play. Olivia (pictured below) kept guard over the yard and acted as a "captain" of the territory---in charge! Two cats had begun to creep in on Sherpa (lop-eared rabbit)---I caught them just in time---a third back-up was on the way. After routing out the cats, I picked up Sherpa who looked at me quizzically: I said, "You know, Sherpa, it is time for you to go inside." The day is magnificent---Walt Whitman calls it a "specimen day". Van Morrison sings about the country fair---and the "wide open day". It is a "soft-cushioned" day meaning that the edges are soft and the sounds are muffled, the overall effect is soothing. I can hear Dad asking me, "Son what color is your day?" It is the rich brown of rabbit soil! 
Tuesday, June 06, 2017
Dostoevsky's Take on Socialism and Do-Gooders
“Having detached themselves from the people, they naturally also lost God. The restless among them become atheists; the apathetic and placid ones waxed indifferent. For the Russian people they felt nothing but contempt, believing, however, that they loved the people and wished them the best of everything. But they loved the people negatively, conceiving in their stead [italics mine] some ideal people, such as according to their notions, the Russian people ought to be (Diary, vol. 1, p. 5).”
Substitute the word ‘American’ in the place of ‘Russian’ and one has the sense of a “putative liberal”---perhaps of the Clinton stripe---but actually quite broadly the very type of the “cool” , agnostic, well educated, post-1970s american--- And this applies to all the races in america, the common feature tends to be higher education. Enlightened liberals should be ---well ‘liberal’! They should be open-minded toward all gender transfiguration therapies and other alternative lifestyles...because...because...it’s the right thing to do! One has the sense that we care more about Caitlyn Jenner and Ellen Degeneres than the old lady on the corner of the street.
Back to Dostoevsky’s quote: for actual existing american individuals these people feel nothing but contempt or a patronizing pity. But man do they love mankind---they are committed to the wellbeing of every village, shanty, hamlet...from Syria to Timbuktu ”I am a socialist---I vow to love humanity once they are formed in a reasonable user friendly way and brought up to snuff with our cultural ‘best practices’.” Never mind that this is profound form of disrespect for the actual culture of the actual existing human beings and moreover is a reproach to God, the Creator. "Yahweh, You could have done a better job, so we are going to have to take over and fix things up." By the way, that is the core definition of the mission of one aspect of the Catholic Church. The new twist is that the new church is a global science of “helping” everything and everybody to get better! Until that day when these poor, pathetic individuals can be brought up to speed, with technology and the same kind of hopes and dreams that liberals everywhere enjoy. This is the essence of socialism thanks to the dynamic duo of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg---I want to save the world, we are the world, but my neighbors are idiots, oh wait since I became a billionaire, I haven’t actually had to rub elbows with the proletariat, I haven’t actually spoken with a real existing individual who does not share my identical social metrics, etc... That’s OK, surely Elon Musk, Obama, and Eric Schmidt will save the day!
Allow me to take the liberty of using the term do-gooder in a qualified and operational sense. I recall a little coin box on our family dinner table in the ‘70s---my brother was putting $2.36 as the value of his meal into the box which would raise funds to feed a starving child in Africa. This practice surely had an impact in planting the seeds of what would later become a prevalent attitude toward doing good deeds for people half way around the world. Meanwhile no one noticed that our customs were slipping away just as fast as the globalist aspirations were being formed. Fast forward to 2017 when nearly every american is uprooted---call it social mobility---but having left behind the soil of their youth to greedy capitalists and corrupt local bully polluticians (let it stand)---the overall destruction of the american soil and water is thanks to the diaspora of small town boys and girls to urban centers in the ‘90s and after---this paints a picture of the type of person I describe as a ‘putative liberal.” This class of folk tend to be friends of the world, globalists, techies and do-gooders who loyally believe in global warming because the scientists and academicians and TED talkers say so. They also therefore “believe in” (fall hook, line and sinker) geoscience, solar geoengineering (chemtrails)---they might even have a suspicion that the 9/11 truthers might be onto something, but they are more inclined to believe the “climate scientists” more than the truther physicists. After all no one has to feel guilty for the planned demolition of WTC 1, 2 and 7 Buildings. But as for global warming---it cashed out in individual moral responsibility (carbon ‘footprint’).
Can anybody else see that two ‘sciences’ are being practiced? Empirical science which requires evidence for truth (such as physics-when a physicist tells you that the WTC buildings fell at free fall 9.8meters per second per second, this means that it is a physical impossibility that the Official Report account is true. And this means that this NIST scientists who corroborated this finding are either lying or incompetent or both). Next we find the term ‘science’ being used in everything from kids ‘science’ camps, to Bill Nye the ‘science’ guy, to the Big Bang versus Creation Science, to climate science and many other dubious practices many of which are simply “pseudo-science.” Such ‘science’ is non-falsifiable as in Global Warming Theory---it requires a meta-narrative---for example, anthropogenic global warming in order to cash out the kind of plan of action called for. Science refers here to a global governance, a kind of Brave New World Church. It is a belief system that is widely accepted as truth by do gooders and putative liberals everywhere. So, there is no question that when an option for doing something (anything) rather than nothing is available a do-gooder will opt to take it or sponsor the idea. For example if aerosol spraying of the atmosphere is required to try to save the planet from extinction even if the odds are less than one per cent of it happening then this demands that a risk be taken to “research” chemtrails, even if the risk is greater than the risk which justified them taking this course of action in the first place. :) If there is a snowball’s chance in hell of doing some “miraculous” medical intervention on a kid, then by golly, we need to do that.
Ah, but this is a diversion, I am talking about do-gooders tendency to believe in whatever kind of theory (science) that their culture presents (transgender science, bioevolution and the proliferations of meta-sciences) hence making them susceptible to chemtrails and not the kind of socialism Dostoevsky wrote about in the passage above. But I am making the claim that the person he is describing above is of the same stripe. It is not the right of an enlightened liberal to question Global Warming or any other globally sanctioned, peer reviewed science---any more than a good catholic should question the virgin birth--- so there!
In F. M. Dostoievsky’s [sic] Diary of a Writer (2 volumes, tr. Boris Brasol) in his publication of the diary in 1873, Dostoevsky squarely relates a profound fact about globalism and socialism. In this remark concerning ‘gentilhomme russe et citoyen du monde’ [“a Russian gentleman and citizen of the world”] he reveals that for the socialists the “... last ties with Russian soil and Russian truths had disintegrated (Diary, vol. 1, p. 5).” This citizen of the world calls to mind two references: firstly, in the sacred scriptures Jesus warns against being a “friend of the world” which is precisely what ‘citoyen du monde’ echoes. The second suggestion to be drawn is the idea of a diasporic ‘cosmopolitan, deracinated Jew.
Monday, June 05, 2017
Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind ---- Must Read: But for Another Reason
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama all recommend this book---that recommends it as a NON-read in my estimation (what do any of these men know about human nature?). But since at least with Bill Gates who attempts to rule the world with his billions funding chemtrails, global, universal immunization---yet, has no real background in anthropology, or philosophical anthropology---and Mark Zuckerberg's knowledge is limited to computing---one must take note of their recommendation for another reason: it may provide a clue as to their misguided efforts at ruling the world and their do-gooder philanthropy which has an ulterior motive. For this reason perhaps it should be read.
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama all recommend this book---that recommends it as a NON-read in my estimation (what do any of these men know about human nature?). But since at least with Bill Gates who attempts to rule the world with his billions funding chemtrails, global, universal immunization---yet, has no real background in anthropology, or philosophical anthropology---and Mark Zuckerberg's knowledge is limited to computing---one must take note of their recommendation for another reason: it may provide a clue as to their misguided efforts at ruling the world and their do-gooder philanthropy which has an ulterior motive. For this reason perhaps it should be read.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Tuesday, May 02, 2017
Monday, May 01, 2017
Sapphires---Words of Wisdom from Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
In the last two issues of Sapphires, I�ve written on the events of 2016-17, the election that changed the course of the American government. We will now focus on the larger picture and the prophetic significance.rnrnIn both the fall of ancient Israel and that of ancient Judah, even when the nation was at war against everything right and heading for judgment, God extended mercy, gave reprieves, windows of grace, windows of time for the nation to repent and turn back. It was also His mercy to use shaking to bring a nation back to repentance. I believe we are witnessing a window, a chance for repentance as well as the answering of the multitude of fervent prayers that were lifted up by believers on behalf of America.rnrn But there is a warning. The Harbinger was released in 2012. I wrote it in 2010, long before this election and well before the previous! election . Yet, what most people dont realize, is that I was led to put within its pages, Donald Trump. It was in the chapter entitled The Tower. In it, his words paralleled the vow of Isaiah 9:10, the ancient declaration that led to Israels judgment. In fact, the vow to Make America great again, - without a return to God - comprises another form of the ancient vow, We will rebuild with hewn stones. If in this window of time we place our trust in government, in politics, in man, in our own abilities, in our own greatness, then we will be repeating the error of ancient Israel, and will be risking disaster. rnrn At the same time as I mentioned last month, it was confirmed that key people in the Trump campaign have read or are reading The Harbinger. We must pray for the president and the government to seek the will of God and that God will have His way.rnrnWhat happened in the election was not the answer, but an opportunity for the answer. The answer is not gov! ernment, or politics, or any manmade thing. The answer is revival from the presence of God. If we even change laws, but do not change hearts and lives, especially that of the younger generation, then the nations course will ultimately remain the same, unaltered and we will have wasted the chance given us. rnrn What must we then do? We must use this reprieve, this window of time, to pray, labor, minister, and go all out for repentance, return, and revival. We must be bold and boldly proclaim the Gospel to all and to the culture and world around us. And we must not only pray and minister revival, we must ourselves, live revival. If we do this, then great things can come. rnrnAre we heading to revival or judgment? The answer may lie in the words God gave to Solomon three thousand years ago: If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their! sin and will heal their land. Do exactly that this month. And may the Lord greatly bless you as you do. rnrnYour brother and co-laborer in His love and service,rnrnJonathanrn
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Just Imagine This....
Imagine...Getting a manifest which lists the amount of time one spends computing (especially wasting time on futile and vain pursuits)....Like: You wasted 300 hundred hours on Youtube or Facebook.
THen imagine being billed for all of these hours of wasted time.
THen consider that all of your wasted hours on the computer are not a waste for the surveillance inner cadres and the data analysis firms that plot your every blink and move. THey profit from your wasted time.
THen realize that the companies and groups that analyze data are almost never good---that is, that they have never once done single good deed for any one actual living person.
Finally realize that you are "working" for the adversary---someone or something that plots to destroy your actual individual truth and goodness.
THen imagine being billed for all of these hours of wasted time.
THen consider that all of your wasted hours on the computer are not a waste for the surveillance inner cadres and the data analysis firms that plot your every blink and move. THey profit from your wasted time.
THen realize that the companies and groups that analyze data are almost never good---that is, that they have never once done single good deed for any one actual living person.
Finally realize that you are "working" for the adversary---someone or something that plots to destroy your actual individual truth and goodness.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
From Spinoza's Preface to the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
I want to share a quote from Spinoza:
"Granted, then, that the supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and with the specious title of religion to cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation, and count it not to shame, but the highest honour, to spend their blood and their lives for the glorification of one man. Yet no more disastrous policy can be devised in a free commonwealth. To invest with prejudice or in any way coerce the citizen's free judgement is altogether incompatible with the freedom of the people."
What part of the game is not rigged from cradle to grave and K-12? I recall John Lennon singing: "You think your so clever and classless and free but your all fucking peasants as far as I can see." Free thinking is the mark of a free citizen---it doesn't matter if the game is rigged and the government is a lying swindle---it is your own step that matters. Freedom Is as Freedom Does---nothing more. A complete slave or cripple can still practice mental freedom...
Political Correctness is "the beginning of the end..." If I cannot speak freely my mind and teach freely then can you tell me what advantage there is to living in the land of plenty?
I am certain that I do not only speak for myself that I am disgusted at the violations against liberty that computing has brought about---it is the great enslaver. I hold the designers no matter how cool you think they are to assume some responsibility for the unintended consequences of the internet, WWW, and all of the apps and connectivity by which the web of totalitarian fascist surveillance destroys the fabric of virtue and yet parades as a liberator. Perhaps John of Patmos was referring to the internet when he mentioned the Beast in the Book of Revelation and closely associated with the mark of the beast and its image. Who then is its false prophet?
I guarantee you this much---that the despotic sway of scientism which describes the human intellect---that is the soul, in terms of neuroscience is a deception. All attempts at artificial intelligence smack of blasphemy---a hidden agenda of man ascending to the heights, like the Tower of Babel. Psychology is fallen so far from the mark of attempting to adequately account for human understanding and the miraculous nature of the human intellect.
It is evidently clear that if you extrapolate a picture of governance from the practice of contemporary science of all stripes---i.e. cosmology, neuroscience, geoengineering, socioevolution, AI, etc... reveals a fascist political underpinning---shibbolethic high-priests in secret societies ("peer review"---there you have another piece of the political correctness strategy for mental enslavement taken straight from the Soviet rulebook) as sacred illuminati lording over the dazed citizenry. Was there ever one vote, one piece of legislation from the people prior to the restructuring of the entire acadmic, military, state government, medical, corporate before Microsoft struck its monopolistic hegemony of Windows '95? The answer is no! Computing, cybernetics runs on a completely different track. In fact if you might describe this as a political coup---let's return to pre-computer days in the States---the idea that the government could have been turned over internally was hard to imagine. But thanks to political correctness and the complete restructuring of american education according to the unproven neuroscientific paradigm---first you imagine that thinking is entirely materialistic---that is, you deny the soul---then you substitute the word "thinking" for the truth of human understanding which is a miracle through and through. Then you reduce 'thinking' to something a machine can do. Then you base psychological research on this false 'peer-reviewed paradigm and call it "brain science" a complete neologism in the Orwellian sense. What does 'science' really mean in this sense? Then you prove that the brain is a computer, then you force computing into every aspect of the human analogue experience of time and space and truth and beauty---in short you make an effort to render philosophy into oblivion. Then you declare that there is a convergence, as does IBM and Kurzweil, you mention a singularity, you call it a revolution and then put the entire world under its globalist tyranny. Then you train every school kid that computers think. Meanwhile the thinking of a child whose vision is glued to a screen of any kind is radically and dangerously impaired.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Thursday, April 06, 2017
Wednesday, April 05, 2017
Monday, April 03, 2017
Saturday, April 01, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Harvard reveals Chemtrail Program
To my mind, when I listen to the scientists like Harvard's Professor Keith justifying the global use of chemtrails as in the videos above---they are employing the euphemism 'Solar Geoengineering'---I think of the term 'shill' and how university professors and scientists are now "pay to play" researchers for pseudo-science. It is not too difficult to realize that "the emperor wears no clothes" ---by this I mean that scientific vanity is the prime motivator. Dylan sang in Masters of War: You play with my world like it's your little toy!
Moreover the employment of just a little critical thinking can easily debunk each and every premise that he speaks---to speak of risks and then quantify them as percentages and to then base a discussion upon this type of speculation is shameless. I am reminded of Gulliver's Travels and the backward scientific proposals that Swift made in his parody to mock the futility of these vain nihilists.
To my mind, when I listen to the scientists like Harvard's Professor Keith justifying the global use of chemtrails as in the videos above---they are employing the euphemism 'Solar Geoengineering'---I think of the term 'shill' and how university professors and scientists are now "pay to play" researchers for pseudo-science. It is not too difficult to realize that "the emperor wears no clothes" ---by this I mean that scientific vanity is the prime motivator. Dylan sang in Masters of War: You play with my world like it's your little toy!
Moreover the employment of just a little critical thinking can easily debunk each and every premise that he speaks---to speak of risks and then quantify them as percentages and to then base a discussion upon this type of speculation is shameless. I am reminded of Gulliver's Travels and the backward scientific proposals that Swift made in his parody to mock the futility of these vain nihilists.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Friday, March 24, 2017
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Great Quote!
Lou: The main thing about money, Bud, is that it makes you do things you don’t want to do.
Oliver Stone Wall Street
Monday, March 20, 2017
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Stand for the truth: Government Researcher Reveals NIST Ethical Disintegrity in the Collapse of WT7 on NYC 9/11/01
It is still about Building 7, the so-called 'smoking gun'. ☢
Friday, March 17, 2017
Again... the basis of truth that cannot be found in US media sources can be found in Russian President Putin's Speeches!
Here Vl. Putin reveals the universal spying on citizens that is practiced in the US by the CIA and NSA.
Here Vl. Putin reveals the universal spying on citizens that is practiced in the US by the CIA and NSA.
Vladimir Putin: I would rather be a pessimist drinking cognac than an optimist sniffing a cockroach....
Russian President opens his talk on the World Order with a funny joke.☺☺📀
Russian President opens his talk on the World Order with a funny joke.☺☺📀
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Wednesday, March 08, 2017
Tuesday, March 07, 2017
Monday, March 06, 2017
Friday, March 03, 2017
Tomorrow is a Long Time: Bob Dylan w/the Grateful Dead
Bob Weir does an excellent job singing the vocal harmony on this one; I wish they jammed more at the end but hey...
Bob Weir does an excellent job singing the vocal harmony on this one; I wish they jammed more at the end but hey...
Monday, February 27, 2017
Chemtrails: The Covert Geoengineering Agenda: Aerosol Spraying from Jets: Solar Radiation Management---Solar Dimming-Albedo Effect
Dane Wigginton: One of the most reliable voices on chemtrails: At 8: 30sec. he exposes Raytheon---geoengineering coupled with weather modeling for NOA:
Greatest cause of mortality in UK---Alzheimer's---Exposure to Aluminum
Greatest cause of mortality in UK---Alzheimer's---Exposure to Aluminum
Friday, February 24, 2017
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Law: What is It?
Law---I am looking for its root and essence so that I might better understand the truth of this phenomenon.
The problem of evil turns out to be the critical problem in the realm of philosophy but this does not emerge until human culture and civilization achieves a certain "maturity" ---- a fulness of time in which the era is fulfilled, revealed. Then evil is "scoped". Decadence reveals the root of the problem of evil. To see the phenomenon of law is to see the root of evil, and vice-versa, God has no need of law. Knowledge of evil is an impregnable fortress which Adam must squirrel away east of the gates of eden. Adam does not take a much with him on the flight from the misty beauty of Eden but he has been tinged and plagued with this horrible "knowledge".
Perhaps the horror of the knowledge of this age with its brave new world and systematic medical atrocities, chemtrails, Round-Up landscaping, corporate impersonal "best practices", virtual reality, false prophets such as Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, IBM's Gini Rometty, all wizards of Oz. The horror of the knowledge to have to wake up and see a world so gone stray. This is it---the precise root of the knowledge of good and evil---the fruit and proof of Adam's fall and the evidence that the commander of the air, the prince of Tyre, is having a field day seeing as these so-called gurus of our time are so easily snared in the wiles of satan---the restrainer has fallen and the mad dog is off his leash, rambling about in the open seeking whom he may devour. Cursing and hissing at man, so full of jealousy and condescension. Sniffing out all innocence like a bloodhound bent on murder and deception, so proud of her high IQ, and his self-made lifestyle. Now except for the double agents and mercenaries of the Lord, all churches are caught in the net, all education, all power of every sort. It is not hard to see why the masses are madly wallowing in distraction 24/7---computing in general---and pretending that this digital world is actually work, is actually education, is actually government, is actually friendship (like Facebook). 'Virtual' is the antithesis of actuality and truth, its synonym is 'fake', 'false' or 'illusory'. Hence the picture that the computer gives is better termed: 'false reality' which is of course a contradiction---hence the expression 'virtual reality' is a lie or a deception pure and simple.
The whole world is a lie, save the knowledge of Jesus Christ---all is so clearly and evident folly.
Let me tell you---this was not the case in the 1970s---it is a like a kindergarten criminal in the year 1970----his education, his seven year old worldview (BTW that kid is me). The apocalypse, the fall of babylon is a mere 'possibility'---superviruses and 9/11 are as yet unthinkable, the covert government spraying aerosol chemtrails does not start in earnest until 1995 after the scientists win their Nobel prize for the albedo effect in 1994. You know, you invent a brilliant instrument of death--the drone, Monsanto's seed modification, universal compliance to ethics codes mandatorily enforced by all powers that be so that you "learn how to smile as you kill." This enforced ignorance is mandated through online training. Now into my 54th year it is all unfolding like clockwork---as if it were "written in my soul." Rip van Winkle am I except I have slept twice as long! I wake up in the year 2017---young people do not play outside anymore, their eyes are locked onto handheld cancer causing microwave device. The neighbor pours yet more toxic herbicide on their lawn. And other drone strike takes out collateral damage, once more not a single bit of evil is touched, more innocent lives are spilled and the military deems the maneuver a success. No one disagrees. For they are blinded to the evil in their own heart which they perpetuate which is curable by only one remedy, the salve of true salvation---Jesus Christ. Oh yeah and this Good News, this Gospel of one's salvation is forbidden from the public sphere and in schools. One can join in a protest where pink ribbons and talk about "making a difference"---until you have ferreted out the root of evil all of the do-gooders have no way of knowing of their best practices are not leading to the destruction of all that is sacred personally to them and their families. Folks get nervous when I talk about satan, the devil but it is OK to spend millions of dollars to create entertainment of murder, rape and betrayal in Hollywood and to blaspheme and use the Lord God's name in vain and to sear this into the eyes of your own relatives and children through HDTV. They will say that satan is "symbolic", a narrative, or myth but not a true actuality---then the grim reaper draws ever closer to their own precious loved ones and they still can't see and if they see cannot name and call out evil as a straightforward factual force that drives every aspect of their own lives, save for some narrow haven that they still possess. Satan indeed is actual, not symbolic, but he deals in symbols and imagery. Why this fetish concerning 'is it live or is it memorex'---so-called "live"TV, "live news", replays and then back to live---who's kidding who?
The gift of Satan is the knowledge of good and evil--thanks to the serpentine lie---what was corrupted in Adam becomes the stock of the world, its "progress" and it grows into this beastly world system we see today. It is not pretty---the humanitarians still want to attribute 'goodness' to human beings while all around them all human progress and technology, medicine, education and government is hung about their necks like a noose as the son of perdition is unrestrained having the time of his life because there are not many hours before the dawn and at the dawn of the global messiah pantocrator it is game over for the devil and his legions and his minions. In that dawn no one will stand all will be on their knees before the returning Lord---even those who pierced him! Game over to the 'digital nervous system' game over for AI, corporations, economic systems, all wealth and luxury. There is absolutely no other obligation for mankind save to surrender and worship the true messiah. No other prayers or gods are required. truth will out in the end. Rebellious mankind has created their own hellish destruction, fulfilling the prophecies. Thanks to technology, science, healthcare, the roll-out of the apocalypse is right on schedule and according to the ethics and best practices which ensure its universal hellishness.
Thank God for the masterful plan to save all mankind from this diabolic panzi scheme which begins with a covenant with Abraham. All through Moses and Isaiah, up until the birth of the messiah 2010 years or so ago.
God chooses to open up the doorway of communication with Abraham, and lo and behold, promises that his offspring will prosper immensely. Through this bloodline the Messiah will be born, the one to redeem and save Israel. Abraham answers the call. God once more walks with a son of adam. It is not the same sort of union with God that Adam and eve enjoyed but it's a start! From thence forward God will work this covenant for the redemption of all mankind and the universe. The Law that God gives to Moses is, dare I say, a corrective and punitive crutch for an out of control people who keep trying to get themselves back under the plow of Egypt. Seeing that human nature seems to crave slavery, they get right back to worshipping the golden calf. There is only one way that this can be pulled off, hit them with the Law! Enter Moses.
Law is a pretty good thing for invoking a leveller and religion is good at eking out obedience, enough schooling in the laws gets God's people at least acting civil and pointing in the right direction.
You can dress 'em up but you can't take them out.
Nowadays knowledge is seen as a pretty cool thing---so the question arises: how is it that knowledge becomes horrible? The sidewinder's slippery lie embroils the progenitor of our race in a problematic whose consequences must be lived through until the last man. If Jesus Christ, the last man, dies on the cross and is resurrected somewhere near Jerusalem 2000 years ago, then what kind of 'provisional man' populates this age of the Gentiles.? Who are you? Who am I? Thanks be to God that he extended the salvation worked out within the covenant with Israel to include the Gentiles. The messiah it turns out is global and not one people's private treasure. When you are waiting for a political messiah, you are looking for a cross between Caesar, Hitler, The Beatles, or Barack Obama, even Donald Trump. Who has the courage or humility to see that the emperor wears no clothes---it is better to stay true to your own unique individuality even if it costs your earthly life---than to join the 'greater good' or church or team or party or whatever association purports to speak on behalf of the salvation that is uniquely tailored for only one person---namely you! Ironically the only way to one's true individual essence is to surrender to the son of man. To embrace one's own core which indeed 'seems' puny. One's own nature seems broken---it is fragile, fragmented, emotionally needy, etc. Only love can pierce through one's rightful self hate because I am loved as I am---I am accepted as I am, I am saved as I am! It is more than I could have even given myself or even hoped for.
Thank God that the last man, Jesus Christ, all praise to his holy name. Our bloodline is the same and the consequences of the curse upon the first man radiate self-evidently around, outside us in the news of the world, but even moreso inwardly, the nature of evil is still "squirrelled" in the human heart.
Adam's body has become enlarged, we are Adam's offspring. All destined to die thanks to the slippery lie.
All redeemed if a member of the body of Christ---the truly human. Yet, this requires a choice---the gift is in evidence, is irrefutably real---Christ's sacrifice has once and for all been made. The historical record of Pontius Pilate amply accords with the true historical facticity of Jesus' innocence before the charges leveled at him in the Roman Praetorium. THE GIFT HAS BEEN DELIVERED AND AWAITS YOU---Is there a Christmas present which you forgot to open? It is still there under the tree.
The problem of evil turns out to be the critical problem in the realm of philosophy but this does not emerge until human culture and civilization achieves a certain "maturity" ---- a fulness of time in which the era is fulfilled, revealed. Then evil is "scoped". Decadence reveals the root of the problem of evil. To see the phenomenon of law is to see the root of evil, and vice-versa, God has no need of law. Knowledge of evil is an impregnable fortress which Adam must squirrel away east of the gates of eden. Adam does not take a much with him on the flight from the misty beauty of Eden but he has been tinged and plagued with this horrible "knowledge".
Perhaps the horror of the knowledge of this age with its brave new world and systematic medical atrocities, chemtrails, Round-Up landscaping, corporate impersonal "best practices", virtual reality, false prophets such as Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, IBM's Gini Rometty, all wizards of Oz. The horror of the knowledge to have to wake up and see a world so gone stray. This is it---the precise root of the knowledge of good and evil---the fruit and proof of Adam's fall and the evidence that the commander of the air, the prince of Tyre, is having a field day seeing as these so-called gurus of our time are so easily snared in the wiles of satan---the restrainer has fallen and the mad dog is off his leash, rambling about in the open seeking whom he may devour. Cursing and hissing at man, so full of jealousy and condescension. Sniffing out all innocence like a bloodhound bent on murder and deception, so proud of her high IQ, and his self-made lifestyle. Now except for the double agents and mercenaries of the Lord, all churches are caught in the net, all education, all power of every sort. It is not hard to see why the masses are madly wallowing in distraction 24/7---computing in general---and pretending that this digital world is actually work, is actually education, is actually government, is actually friendship (like Facebook). 'Virtual' is the antithesis of actuality and truth, its synonym is 'fake', 'false' or 'illusory'. Hence the picture that the computer gives is better termed: 'false reality' which is of course a contradiction---hence the expression 'virtual reality' is a lie or a deception pure and simple.
The whole world is a lie, save the knowledge of Jesus Christ---all is so clearly and evident folly.
Let me tell you---this was not the case in the 1970s---it is a like a kindergarten criminal in the year 1970----his education, his seven year old worldview (BTW that kid is me). The apocalypse, the fall of babylon is a mere 'possibility'---superviruses and 9/11 are as yet unthinkable, the covert government spraying aerosol chemtrails does not start in earnest until 1995 after the scientists win their Nobel prize for the albedo effect in 1994. You know, you invent a brilliant instrument of death--the drone, Monsanto's seed modification, universal compliance to ethics codes mandatorily enforced by all powers that be so that you "learn how to smile as you kill." This enforced ignorance is mandated through online training. Now into my 54th year it is all unfolding like clockwork---as if it were "written in my soul." Rip van Winkle am I except I have slept twice as long! I wake up in the year 2017---young people do not play outside anymore, their eyes are locked onto handheld cancer causing microwave device. The neighbor pours yet more toxic herbicide on their lawn. And other drone strike takes out collateral damage, once more not a single bit of evil is touched, more innocent lives are spilled and the military deems the maneuver a success. No one disagrees. For they are blinded to the evil in their own heart which they perpetuate which is curable by only one remedy, the salve of true salvation---Jesus Christ. Oh yeah and this Good News, this Gospel of one's salvation is forbidden from the public sphere and in schools. One can join in a protest where pink ribbons and talk about "making a difference"---until you have ferreted out the root of evil all of the do-gooders have no way of knowing of their best practices are not leading to the destruction of all that is sacred personally to them and their families. Folks get nervous when I talk about satan, the devil but it is OK to spend millions of dollars to create entertainment of murder, rape and betrayal in Hollywood and to blaspheme and use the Lord God's name in vain and to sear this into the eyes of your own relatives and children through HDTV. They will say that satan is "symbolic", a narrative, or myth but not a true actuality---then the grim reaper draws ever closer to their own precious loved ones and they still can't see and if they see cannot name and call out evil as a straightforward factual force that drives every aspect of their own lives, save for some narrow haven that they still possess. Satan indeed is actual, not symbolic, but he deals in symbols and imagery. Why this fetish concerning 'is it live or is it memorex'---so-called "live"TV, "live news", replays and then back to live---who's kidding who?
The gift of Satan is the knowledge of good and evil--thanks to the serpentine lie---what was corrupted in Adam becomes the stock of the world, its "progress" and it grows into this beastly world system we see today. It is not pretty---the humanitarians still want to attribute 'goodness' to human beings while all around them all human progress and technology, medicine, education and government is hung about their necks like a noose as the son of perdition is unrestrained having the time of his life because there are not many hours before the dawn and at the dawn of the global messiah pantocrator it is game over for the devil and his legions and his minions. In that dawn no one will stand all will be on their knees before the returning Lord---even those who pierced him! Game over to the 'digital nervous system' game over for AI, corporations, economic systems, all wealth and luxury. There is absolutely no other obligation for mankind save to surrender and worship the true messiah. No other prayers or gods are required. truth will out in the end. Rebellious mankind has created their own hellish destruction, fulfilling the prophecies. Thanks to technology, science, healthcare, the roll-out of the apocalypse is right on schedule and according to the ethics and best practices which ensure its universal hellishness.
Thank God for the masterful plan to save all mankind from this diabolic panzi scheme which begins with a covenant with Abraham. All through Moses and Isaiah, up until the birth of the messiah 2010 years or so ago.
God chooses to open up the doorway of communication with Abraham, and lo and behold, promises that his offspring will prosper immensely. Through this bloodline the Messiah will be born, the one to redeem and save Israel. Abraham answers the call. God once more walks with a son of adam. It is not the same sort of union with God that Adam and eve enjoyed but it's a start! From thence forward God will work this covenant for the redemption of all mankind and the universe. The Law that God gives to Moses is, dare I say, a corrective and punitive crutch for an out of control people who keep trying to get themselves back under the plow of Egypt. Seeing that human nature seems to crave slavery, they get right back to worshipping the golden calf. There is only one way that this can be pulled off, hit them with the Law! Enter Moses.
Law is a pretty good thing for invoking a leveller and religion is good at eking out obedience, enough schooling in the laws gets God's people at least acting civil and pointing in the right direction.
You can dress 'em up but you can't take them out.
Nowadays knowledge is seen as a pretty cool thing---so the question arises: how is it that knowledge becomes horrible? The sidewinder's slippery lie embroils the progenitor of our race in a problematic whose consequences must be lived through until the last man. If Jesus Christ, the last man, dies on the cross and is resurrected somewhere near Jerusalem 2000 years ago, then what kind of 'provisional man' populates this age of the Gentiles.? Who are you? Who am I? Thanks be to God that he extended the salvation worked out within the covenant with Israel to include the Gentiles. The messiah it turns out is global and not one people's private treasure. When you are waiting for a political messiah, you are looking for a cross between Caesar, Hitler, The Beatles, or Barack Obama, even Donald Trump. Who has the courage or humility to see that the emperor wears no clothes---it is better to stay true to your own unique individuality even if it costs your earthly life---than to join the 'greater good' or church or team or party or whatever association purports to speak on behalf of the salvation that is uniquely tailored for only one person---namely you! Ironically the only way to one's true individual essence is to surrender to the son of man. To embrace one's own core which indeed 'seems' puny. One's own nature seems broken---it is fragile, fragmented, emotionally needy, etc. Only love can pierce through one's rightful self hate because I am loved as I am---I am accepted as I am, I am saved as I am! It is more than I could have even given myself or even hoped for.
Thank God that the last man, Jesus Christ, all praise to his holy name. Our bloodline is the same and the consequences of the curse upon the first man radiate self-evidently around, outside us in the news of the world, but even moreso inwardly, the nature of evil is still "squirrelled" in the human heart.
Adam's body has become enlarged, we are Adam's offspring. All destined to die thanks to the slippery lie.
All redeemed if a member of the body of Christ---the truly human. Yet, this requires a choice---the gift is in evidence, is irrefutably real---Christ's sacrifice has once and for all been made. The historical record of Pontius Pilate amply accords with the true historical facticity of Jesus' innocence before the charges leveled at him in the Roman Praetorium. THE GIFT HAS BEEN DELIVERED AND AWAITS YOU---Is there a Christmas present which you forgot to open? It is still there under the tree.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Chemtrails Documentary: Exposing Aerosol Crimes
The non-reporting of these phenomena by news media, educators and meteorologists is also a crime---fraudulence.
The non-reporting of these phenomena by news media, educators and meteorologists is also a crime---fraudulence.
Trump Rally in Melbourne, Fla. With Lord's Prayer: Impressive
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Friday, February 17, 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Burt Bachrach and Dionne Warwick: Loneliness Remembers
This video gives to me an amazing array of memories---yet, I have never heard this tune until it appeared on Youtube. It awakens a sense of 'seventies-ness'---all of it, you can hear this in their tone of voices, playful---a kind of pathos that is forgotten. Dare I call it innocence---the feeling of 'back in the day'.
Specific memories: in the dentist's chair at Dr. Thaler's, I listened carefully to every song on the Muzak radio---this brings back memories of my mother---I can almost see her and to reach out and touch her---it is such a rich tapestry! Flower power. I am amazed at the power of memory---yes---think about it---this power of memory to recall and re-present this world. It is all right there at my fingertips---along this corridor. Do you recall these days, along the ragged alleyways in Duncansville, St. Catherine's old wooden chapel---the Wye Switches?
This video gives to me an amazing array of memories---yet, I have never heard this tune until it appeared on Youtube. It awakens a sense of 'seventies-ness'---all of it, you can hear this in their tone of voices, playful---a kind of pathos that is forgotten. Dare I call it innocence---the feeling of 'back in the day'.
Specific memories: in the dentist's chair at Dr. Thaler's, I listened carefully to every song on the Muzak radio---this brings back memories of my mother---I can almost see her and to reach out and touch her---it is such a rich tapestry! Flower power. I am amazed at the power of memory---yes---think about it---this power of memory to recall and re-present this world. It is all right there at my fingertips---along this corridor. Do you recall these days, along the ragged alleyways in Duncansville, St. Catherine's old wooden chapel---the Wye Switches?
Global Warming Hoax
'Global Warming' is a Scam
Global Warming Hoax
Global Warming Hoax
Sunday, February 05, 2017
Utter Astonishment
Let’s begin by distinguishing wonder and astonishment. The sense of wonder is indeed the fountain from which authentic philosophy issues---wonder concerning the beauty of a bubbling brook or a raging snowstorm---wonder seems to be aimed at some phenomenon that is present and entails a perplexity which is felt alongside an experience of nature. This human ‘sense’ initiates philosophical inquiry: questioning and thinking.
Astonishment arises not from a specific phenomenon but from the startling, and immediate sense of the total sum of phenomena in the face of nothing.
The artist is amazed at the poetic majesty of the glowing horizon at the end of day or the reflection of the sunset on the surface of the lake---wonder gives forth a question of how this specific manifestation of beauty arises, not only in nature but within her sense.
Later she is struck all at once with another question---one more disturbing, apparently groundless---but how is it that any of this appears to me at all? And more profoundly---how is it that I am sensing this? How is it that I am? How is it that any of this appears at all including me?
St. Augustine in The Confessions touches on both the sense of wonder and this more radical ‘sense’ of utter astonishment which calls into question the very ground of his own being, his soul: "For then shalt Thou rest in us, as now Thou workest in us; and so shall that be Thy rest through us, as these are Thy works through us. But Thou, Lord, ever workest, and art ever at rest. Nor dost Thou see in time, nor art moved in time, nor restest in a time; and yet Thou makest things seen in time, yea the times themselves, and the rest which results from time (Confessions Book 13).
By “astonishment” I am not referring to any cotidian marvel but the utterly astounding thought which first of all appears as terrible and full of awe. It is not clear how common this experience is, as for myself, I have never met a person who claims to have felt this, save for a few philosophers, and of course the greatest writers---St. Augustine, Heidegger, Dostoevsky. It is absolutely uncanny and springs up all at once---not in the senses but at the root of on’e being. Heidegger calls this ‘Nothing’---‘das Nicht’. Yet, the full sense of terror cannot be grasped by merely reading about this ‘phenomenon’---it must be directly experienced.
Astonishment sends one reeling--the Oxford English Dictionary’s first entry for ‘astone; astun’ is “1. To stun; to strike senseless with a blow or partially senseless with a loud noise.” Further meanings are “to daze, to stupefy. strike mute with amazement, overwhelm one’s presence of mind, to confound, astound, astonish (‘Astone’ OED, p.521).” Such a dazzling is not brought about by one’s will. Rather it overcomes the thinker, creeping in and then all at once. Having experienced this one can never forget it. It is unique, primordial and undeniable. Heidegger also calls this ‘falling’ ‘Geworfenheit: thrownness. It is overwhelmingly complete and completely disarms the senses and mind. Leaving one with the most profound question: How is it that I am here and all of the universe besides? It is strange and alienating.
Incidentally, before we leave the etymology, one notices the term 'stone' in the root of 'astonishment'---indeed it is the same root as 'to get stoned'---in Dylan's Rainy Day Women: "everybody must get stoned." Better yet we hear this in Van Morrison's "And it Stoned Me": And it stoned me to my soul/ It stoned me just like going home/ It stoned me."
Saturday, February 04, 2017
Bob Dylan Project
All the Dylan songs, albums, lyrics and chords free streaming Dylan radio!!
All the Dylan songs, albums, lyrics and chords free streaming Dylan radio!!
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