If I’d lived my life by what others were thinkin’, the heart inside me would’ve died

I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity

Someone had to reach for the risin’ star, I guess it was up to me

"Up to Me" by Bob Dylan)

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bob Dylan Radio

Click for BobDylan radio....

THis is a great internet radio station....

Chris Hedges' Recent Column: Capitalism's Cult of Human Sacrifice

Chris Hedges can even go further with this idea---capitalism's cult of human sacrifice is not merely limited to the toxic waste of an oil refinery, but is revealed in the words of Former President Bush on Memorial Day mentioning the blood that is shed on the altar of democracy... Such a remark is a blasphemy since democracy after all is not a sacred religion. The unborn innocent lives which are routinely aborted. Other innocent or minor thieves being shot down by corrupt and barbaric police practices. But most of all it is to take God's people and force them to submit to the corrupt medical practices and the pickle game between the AMA, insurance companies and big Pharma which just play their anti-health agenda like a game of pickle at the expense of sick people just so the fatcats can live in luxury and drive expensive cars. Those people who exploit their own sick and dying or unborn citizens for filthy lucre are to be honest the poorest of the poor. The other cult of sacrifice concerns the meaningless jobs that people are compelled to undertake in cubicles pretending that their labor has some sort of value and meaning but the vast majority is wage slavery and the mind-numbing 9-5 strips God's people of their innate creativity and genius and pays then with the devalued dollar while the govt drives the economy deeper into debt spending billions of dollars on wars that will never return a thing to the citizens but profit foreign globalists and one-percenters. It is a crying shame all the way around!

Please click for link...

Friday, December 11, 2015

Thanksgiving Reflections: 2015

Looking at these horrible artifacts of the contemporary media one indeed gets the sense that we are living to witness the culmination of this age as revealed in the final book of the Bible. Certainly it is clear that Satan, the Prince of the Air is the ruling authority of this world, although this is not news to an erstwhile student of the Bible! And we still see that the ruling dynastic families are yet pulling the puppet strings to usher in their finest hour---the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Bushes carefully hidden in their puppet theatres while Monsanto claims yet another copyright to the genomic sequence of yet another food source and DuPont unfolds another toxic, cancer causing compound for which their stockholders (university investment portfolios and so-called christians) stand to laugh all the way to the bank. And in Washington the chiefs of FEMA plot nefarious training exercises including Jade Helm 15 guaranteed to further disenfranchise american values and liberties in the name of an insane obsession with security. President Obama's executive order #13603, the Mossad 9/11 cover-up---murder, thieving and lying rampant since the days of the last ancient Roman kings---all of these are "best practices" perfectly and deeply revealed in the powers that be amongst the one-percenters, illuminati and protected by the ethics of their corporations and loyal minions dazed and confused at the wonder of the newest technological applications which blind them to any moral consequence or any value to authentic human aspirations.

And yet, this is all news from a foreign land as I gaze from my bedroom window onto the late November landscape so many subtle shades of brown-grey and green, the treetops on the mountainside so uniformly barren---the mild weather so typical of this season, no snowfall as of yet and still winter marches on vanquishing Summer's fair, verdant reign.

Therefore I give amazing thanks to the Lord even though World War III rages far and near and the inner cities of America are torn asunder in racial strife. Washington has fallen into the hands of a globalist cabal hidden from the eyes of the citizens who might notice that the emperor wears no clothes as the hands of the puppeteers guide the Commander in Chief's  every move as though in a well-choreographed ballet with every gesture advancing the incremental deterioration of the core american values of citizen rights and constitutional legitimacy. We are no longer in Kansas, Dorothy! Hell we aren't even in the USA! A platinum wedge has been driven between the de facto corporate hegemony and its authentic democratic traditions, another firewall separates the legitimate interests of the citizenry and the politicians who purport to represent them in Sodom and Gomorrah. Another divide exacerbates racial divides, the rich and the poor while FEMA stockpiles millions of rounds of ammunition and bayonets for their internal war games within the Vaterland. The rich abuse the poor and the old are seduced by the young to quote the great american  poet. Militarized police forces like black padded Ninja turtles march mindlessly to the great Fuhrers mandates trampling the innocent and pure in the land of the free and the home of the brave as a Civil War stands poised to explode but on an entirely different scale than Lincoln witnessed. Great ethical heroes seem to be hidden while the lowest and basest members of the entertainment industry and Hollywood congratulate one another at yet another inane awards ceremony. 

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Chomsky Was Right: We Do have Grammar in Our Head

Lately I have been pondering the manner in which language works and a close friend forwarded this article concerning Chomsky's view of grammar which is deeply embedded in our language.

My interest is slightly different than Chomsky's however his work may be used to support my thesis. The main thrust of my idea is that "language speaks man"---this phrase comes of course from Heidegger. It dovetails neatly with the research I am presently conducting on poetry and how meaning "rises up" to language.

It is a technical discussion to be sure and I will not bore the reader at this point with technicalities! The upshot of my research will have immense potential for application in the current cultural milieu: in medicine, advertising, education and explain how humans interact with computing and law enforcement.
This might sound like an overstatement---overly bold---but if I can hammer out this idea and then get appropriate support for empirical research, I will be able to provide a set of practical suggestions which will be of great value in promoting ethical culture in the USA.

I will provide one example: Though the AMA and the medical establishment, with well intended do-gooders, advertize "awareness" for cancer for example Susan Komen fundraisers, and the pink cancer advocates which are found ubiquitously in the cultural lifeworld (on water bottles, billboards, pink ribbons, etc., etc... Their intention is to promote awareness of women's breast cancer with an eye toward treating this malady---whether it be in terms of treatment or education, the proponents of this movement are not aware that this 'awareness' actually promotes the incidence of cancer.
How is this so?

It is well known phenomenon that advertizing possesses subliminal impact upon buying behavior---both conscious and unconscious encounters with images and words actually promotes and manifests the effect of buying behavior and desire---why should this be any different with promoting pink awareness.?

I am only at the very beginning of this research project and being that I am merely mortal as well as finite, a lone researcher without any institutional funding, you will have to be patient--this will take a great deal of effort to produce results. There is no doubt in my mind that other researchers will join me in this undertaking but it will take time.  

Click for link to article...