If I’d lived my life by what others were thinkin’, the heart inside me would’ve died

I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity

Someone had to reach for the risin’ star, I guess it was up to me

"Up to Me" by Bob Dylan)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"There’s a retired businessman named Red Cast down from heaven and he’s out of his head He feeds off of everyone that he can touch He said he only deals in cash or sells tickets to a plane crash...." Bob Dylan, Foot of Pride

Like the lion tears the flesh off of a man
So can a woman who passes herself off as a male
They sang “Danny Boy” at his funeral and the Lord’s Prayer
Preacher talking ’bout Christ betrayed
It’s like the earth just opened and swallowed him up
He reached too high, was thrown back to the ground
You know what they say about bein’ nice to the right people on the way up
Sooner or later you gonna meet them comin’ down
Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
When your foot of pride come down
Ain’t no goin’ back
Hear ya got a brother named James, don’t forget faces or names
Sunken cheeks and his blood is mixed
He looked straight into the sun and said revenge is mine
But he drinks, and drinks can be fixed
Sing me one more song, about ya love me to the moon and the stranger
And your fall-by-the sword love affair with Errol Flynn
In these times of compassion when conformity’s in fashion
Say one more stupid thing to me before the final nail is driven in.
Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
When your foot of pride come down
Ain’t no goin’ back
There’s a retired businessman named Red
Cast down from heaven and he’s out of his head
He feeds off of everyone that he can touch
He said he only deals in cash or sells tickets to a plane crash
He’s not somebody that you play around with much
Miss Delilah is his, a Phillistine is what she is
She’ll do wondrous works with your fate, feed you coconut bread,
spice buns in your bed
If you don’t mind sleepin’ with your head face down in a grave
Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
When your foot of pride come down
Ain’t no goin’ back
Well, they’ll choose a man for you to meet tonight
You’ll play the fool and learn how to walk through doors
How to enter into the gates of paradise
No, how to carry a burden too heavy to be yours
Yeah, from the stage they’ll be tryin’ to get water outa rocks
A whore will pass the hat, collect a hundred grand and say thanks
They like to take all this money from sin, build big universities to study in
Sing “Amazing Grace” all the way to the Swiss banks
Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
When your foot of pride come down
Ain’t no goin’ back
They got some beautiful people out there, man
They can be a terror to your mind and show you how to hold your tongue
They got mystery written all over their forehead
They kill babies in the crib and say only the good die young
They don’t believe in mercy
Judgement on them is something that you’ll never see
They can exalt you up or bring you down main route
Turn you into anything that they want you to be
Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
When your foot of pride come down
Ain’t no goin’ back
Yes, I guess I loved him too
I can still see him in my mind climbin’ that hill
Did he make it to the top, well he probably did and dropped
Struck down by the strength of the will
Ain’t nothin’ left here partner, just the dust of a plague
that has left this whole town afraid
From now on, this’ll be where you’re from
Let the dead bury the dead. Your time will come
Let hot iron blow as he raised the shade
Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
When your foot of pride come down
Ain’t no goin’ back

Touch and Go: The Cars

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"No individual raindrop considers itself responsible for a flood."
Andrew Jackson

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

The WHO: Punk Meets the Godfather

The Punk Meets the Godfather

You declared you would be three inches taller
You only became what we made you
Thought you were chasing a destiny calling
You only earned what we gave you
You fell and cried as our people were starving
Now you know that we blame you
You tried to walk on the trail we were carving
Now you know that we framed you

I'm the guy in the sky
Flying high Flashing eyes
No surprise I told lies
I'm the punk in the gutter
I'm the new president
But I grew and I bent
Don't you know? don't it show?
I'm the punk with the stutter
My my my my my mmmm my my my

GGGGG-g-g-g-g generation

We tried to speak between lines of oration
You could only repeat what we told you
Your axe belongs to a dying nation
They don't know that we own you
You're watching movies trying to find the feelers
You only see what we show you
We're the slaves of the phony leaders
Breathe the air we have blown you

I'm the guy etc.

I have to be careful not to preach
I can't pretend that I can teach
And yet I've lived your future out
By pounding stages like a clown
And on the dance floor broken glass
The bloody faces slowly pass
The broken seats in empty rows
It all belongs to me you know

You declared etc.

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Wormwood-Absinthe (Mugwort) RE: Revelation chapter 8

Click for link

Who's to say that the proximal cause of the toxic waters is not fracking? (The ultimate cause is the angel-wormwood).

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Mom Protests Fracking Near School in MArs, PA

The Crunchkin take on Fracking has been made clear before---but I wish to state that Fracking is corrupt, illegal, anti-nature, based on falsely derived scientific principles and is just plain stupid.

a)Corrupt because it took a false governor (Tom Corbett) who is no friend to Pennsylvania to get fracking into the Keystone State.
b)illegal-because it does not meet the minimum standards of the--- Clean air and water act which was bypassed in the Cheney Loophole of '05.
c)Fracking is a direct violation of nature---
d)there are no studies which demonstrate that fracking is safe in any respect, and the so-called scientists who endorse it have done so for reasons of collusion and are shills.
e) companies like Rex Energy are shameful and so full of wanton greed, that they can invest millions of dollars into an apocalyptic undertaking winner take all without any ethical or moral consideration for the citizens rights.
Click for article

Revelation Chapter 8:
10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as if it were a lamp, and it fell upon a third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters;
11 and the name of the star is called Wormwood. And a third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.