If I’d lived my life by what others were thinkin’, the heart inside me would’ve died
I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity
Someone had to reach for the risin’ star, I guess it was up to me
"Up to Me" by Bob Dylan)
Friday, December 30, 2011
I discovered my Portlandia files written in the '90s: poetry et al. and I will type a section here:
Hornblowing squealing out of rhythm/ warm breeze blowing over. A drunk lays on top of his radio, passed out not a half block from the parade.
Everett is the beginning/ fat sticked snare drummers/ electric bassplayers with their amps on rollers---Nerf footballs in the air. Energy building in the last few minutes before the parade begins.
We got casualties and statistics/we got flowersellers and ice cream vendors and Burger King overflowing. We got authorities on the streets and in cars/ we got pillow-lined curbs and runners/we got skaters and fags and dragqueens/we got streetpeople, bag ladies and young families. There are little ones and fat ones and old ones and lovers. There are flagwavin' balloon wavin' color bedecked plastic toys wavin'. There's walking down the middle of streets, walking on sidewalks, steppin' on toes and walkin' between... There's folks on trucks propped up/there's music players in costume---red and white and black all shiny and new. They were drinking coffee and coke, and beer and fruit drinks---eatin' fruit bars and candy---everybody getting ready for the parade. Leaning on walls crazy bastards screaming..too many runners running. Sure as hell if I ain't part of it....
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Like a Rolling Stone Jam Session
This video includes Al Stewart on vocals, and Dave Nachmanoff on keys, and others.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
How I Think: Debate with Richard Dawkins

I agree with Dawkins on so many things---natural selection, the preponderance of religious myth and its destructive role in American intellectual life, particularly with Christianity. It is simply anti-intellectual.
I am also anti-religious and I agree with Christopher Hitchens as well as Dawkins that the world would be a much saner and safer place without religion, especially Christianity. However, I am still a theist in that I understand that the entire universe is based upon a 'god' particle, if you will.
I say 'god particle' because I do not want to mythologize 'god' as the great religions have done. To my way of thinking, the essential point about god is that god is incommunicable, ineffable and radically mysterious in a natural sense. That is to say of all the natural species, there is a species which is not natural which makes possible for the coming to into being of other species---it resembles Aristotle's 'unmoved mover(s)'.
This god species or particle is entirely simple and underlies every complexity in the universe---for example if a physicist discovered the most simple particle that composes the material universe, this is the direction we are looking in. Even though the universe may have begun in a simple unified singularity and then moved in a direction of complexity, this point is unchanging, always the same. As in music, a wonderful chord from which all complexity (nature) springs forth and into which all nature falls home. Further this integral is continuously present to every point in the universe as its origin.
There is more to write but I leave it for another day...
Friday, September 23, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Justin Hayward Solo VH1
I find this performance (two songs) to be truly inspired music:
Monday, August 22, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Al Stewart Show in Harrisburg-Whitaker Center: 2-01-11
Al Stewart (with Dave Nachminoff) surpassed my expectations. I had seen Al Stewart back in the day with his band in Seattle. After the Seattle show, I actually met Al Stewart and Dave Mason (who was touring with Al Stewart and His band. It was not as early as "Year of the Cat"---No, this concert must have been in the early '80s, perhaps 1983. I recall all of this in detail. There are many stories to relate concerning that show, however, let us not linger too far from last night's show!
The last time I saw the rhyme master, Al Stewart, was in a much smaller club though still in Seattle. He may have done "Roads to Moscow" at that show, though my memory be soft (pints of strong british beer!!). And he did not do "Roads " in Harrisburg, but he truly mesmerized my musical sense. A reward of last night's show at the Sunoco Performance theatre was the mystical Scotsman's verbal genius. In between songs Mr. Stewart often spoke of historical figures, battles, as if he were a gifted schoolteacher.
Have a look at the poster I bought last night----it is quite a work of art. The poster is called "Sgt. Al" as a spoof on Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Having an excellent year so far. Much planned for the New Year.
Hopefully more incredible, magic trips like the one Mary Frances and I made out to see Tee (in picture) and all of my Portland family which was a total blast--Hi Tai, Hey Donald!)
The news is bizarre as of late---"bombs away but we're OK."
Wish everyone a great Year and remember: HAVE A BLAST.
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