Groundhog Day 2018
The news of the day is ever more bizarre, apocalyptic to be sure, but even that expression has become haggard with overuse.
One sees everywhere a broad seemingly concerted effort to reduce displace and replace the human analog reality. Geoscientists, climate engineers, institutional ethicists---all playing their part in the schema, a foretaste of Huxley's Brave New World. Therefore there is an assault made upon humanity itself! How is this re-ordering of the world and indeed the entire cosmos possible without broad consensus of uproar or self-defense from the mass of people being restructured?
It is the Good which has become powerless. For evil to triumph it is not essential that evil be overwhelmingly well-resourced and potent in its onslaught. Lack of defense is sufficient to guarantee the safe passage of dereliction into the governance of all institutions. Without defense, battalion or even strategy evil marches in freely and unchecked alongside the naive and innocent greenpeacers! It is as though the devil hides laughing while petty lies and deception prevail on all levels of the institution. Fundamentally absurd injustices abound and multiply in everyday experiences---absurd connections---take for example the humiliating use of microchips in credit and debit cards and the attendant rituals of their implementation and use. There is a regimentation characterized primarily as a lack of respect and honor; one meets this everyday, look at the language used in the bills we receive for a blatant example of disrespect---lack of respect for one another as wonderful persons ensouled, created by God---now they are played dull without etiquette----
lack of honor because of this constant incremental grating and beating down day after day, computerized phone calls, absurd glitches----the person is pulled back to hide his or her face. Surface is all. The body becomes an insuperable mask. No longer does the luminescent soul shine through the flesh. The person so steadily dishonored grows dull and flat and entirely corpulent.
Which leads to the grand deception of philanthropy: it is this force above all which guarantees the Triumph of Pure Evil. It is at the hands of the well-meaning scientist and engineers so convincing in their fine sentiments concerning humanity and it's wondrous future. False charity can be more devastating than outright contempt! False charity can be more devastating than outright contempt. We learn this from careful reading of the great Russian novelist, Fyodor Dostoevsky. In the case of outright contempt or detestation, one is yet aware of the enemy's continuous brooding attack on the most significant and valuable customs, those beacons of honest light which lift humanity above the dull surface of moral indifference and petty legality. [In dull tones NPR announces that at least 60 votes will be needed in the Senate to pass legislation which would ban abortion after 5 weeks. The dimwitted announcer passes effortlessly onto a cheerier note. ] Those experts of pulling the wool (one thinks of Barack Obama, or Hilary Clinton) manage to have everyone looking toward a rosy dawn of empowerment while the masters of perversion run rampant along the sideline.
It is the ones who speak not against but on behalf of humanity, ever hypnotizing---speaking of bold future innovations---space travel, eradication of disease, artificial intelligence, to the point where the majority of news reportage is a kind of talentless plagiarism from the great science fiction writers, Asimov or Heinlein or Huxley or Orwell. They make impossible claims to eradicate disease or poverty on a global scale. Impossible claims that are impossible to prove. It is these captains of Goodwill and giving with their Global visions of philanthropy who most excellently obscure the present danger and who therefore guarantee the safe passage of blatant liars, corrupt politicians, who effortlessly hoist denial of the most obvious and palpable realities impinging upon the rituals of daily life. All one need do to discover how vacuous higher learning is when citizens can no longer refer to the evidence which their eyes give them of dangers such as continuous stratospheric spraying. And when the honest citizen reports such evident phenomena, they are deemed as conspiracy theorists or kooks. For the sake of your edification,: 'conspiracy', as in 'to conspire', actually refers to the men and women who execute the dreaded spraying program, such as David Keith of Harvard University, the airline companies, and the military scientists who infiltrate US institutions of higher learning. The conspirers of 9/11 are the men and women in charge of the security of the World Trade Center complex, its owner and the NORAD officials and administrators who watched these buildings being decimated and vaporized without an iota of defense. BTW: The ‘truther’ [note the condescending overtone] are talked down to and cajoled, asking if their data is peer-reviewed---Peer review is an associate of 'consensus'--ruling out in principle genius of the kind of individually manifested discoveries such as Isaac Newton experienced, rather than a consensus of imbeciles worshipped and idolized as peer review. Well now for all you smarty pants out there---how many contemporary american academicians know that peer review is a Stalinist technique ('retsenzirovanie'), or that political correctness has its origins in Stalin’s mind control ('politicheskii pravitel'nost')?
I call some of these experts “engineers of the word” who coin vacuous expressions like ‘software’, ‘peacekeepers’, ‘smartcards’, ‘virtual reality’ and the like. Reinforced by the legion that willfully speak in the same tongue who coin and spend false value to be cool and predominate in this moral wilderness everywhere in plain sight in the year of Our Lord 2018. [And yes, I will say anno domini, year of the Lord, because Jesus Christ is the true light of the world. I will not apologize for using free speech.]
To look at time and its passage: 2018 years, composed of decades, centuries, millennia, or in terms of years, days, hours, minutes, seconds. Whichever Reckoning is applied, time is all of a piece, it is just older, or implicate, convoluted and more perverse. It is like a twisted root. Nothing changes in the human body or in their analogue reality. Humanity is not to blame---humanity is not responsible for the effects of their historical civilization. At the beginning of this age powers and dominions were set into place and it is there that they still remain---these forces and powers truly bind the thinking of the age. These powers are is as it were above time, The human personal world or age (saecula) becomes ever more deeply complicated. not in their essential truth and analogue being but outwardly developed in a nexus of legal connections and historical motifs. Let's imagine it this way: a recording of music that begins with a monophonic chant, and then adding layer after layer, unable to stop the recording, more layers are added. Then there is polyphony and elaboration after elaboration, layer after layer, sophistication and complexity. Call it progress as in going forward ‘progressus’ Yet, there is no sense of going toward anything---there's nothing to meet. Progressivism is a veiled nihilism. Continued trudging and trek into the desert of history with no sense of return to the source---this is the essential sense of the term ‘age’ or ‘world’ in the new testament---it is ‘saecula’---as one finds on the back of the US dollar bill: Novus ordo secluorum... It is layer after layer of complex legal historical fabric densely woven with no sense of order or decorum which binds mankind in its noose and web. It is pure binary code and algorithm. All beauty is obscured in a smorgasbord of interwoven complexity, relativity, sheer noise---sheer gray cluttered noise! Whose science is algorithm.
All quality and Beauty are leveled continuous onslaught bulldozing forests laying pipelines fracturing the deepest water sources filling the skies with billowing effluence from jet planes each and every maneuver sanctioned by the expert scientists and philanthropists for the greater good for mankind. Yet what is the greater good for mankind it is impossible to say perhaps there is no greater good perhaps it is a ruse, a cipher, an empty set. Let ‘x’ stand for this variable which everywhere and in all places allows man and woman to justify their unknowing onslaught against the virginal purity of God’s green earth. Today the one’s who wreak havoc upon the earth do so in the name of the greater good of humanity. They operate with all of the lessons learned from fascism about order and regimentation, all of the fascist techniques and machinery have been perfected and improved so that these captains of goodwill and philanthropy may lay all to waste while still being seen as upright men and women and not monsters like Hitler and Mussolini---wrapped up differently perhaps a little more polite, but in all practical purposes it is the same----unwittingly perhaps, naively and with good intention and best practices but nonetheless they devastate and wreak havoc. For this is the quintessence of philanthropy the complete evisceration of love from the term ‘charity’ or Caritas. Philanthropy while aiming at an apparent (virtual) good, delivers the actual power and influence of actual evil. Moreover the crystal ball visions of the master philanthropists consistently overlook the most palpable and evident fact of today---that this is God’s world and God’s gift which belongs to all nature, not just mankind. Hitler Stalin, and Tito may have been moral monsters but they did not practice geo engineering!
So late in history are we, that innocence is gone. Rampant pedophilia predominates not only amongst the priests and curia of Roma, but in Hollywood and in Washington. Paradise Lost is literal truth. Institutional experts have abandoned all actual value beauty and truth to their progressive plans for restructuring the world economy. Transgender!transhuman trans trans trans!
This foul cloak of history whose shell is carnage and dead meat of civilization. It is foul carrion what the worldly wise call treasure---O great treasure! and much coveted fetish the dragon fingers and rubs.
all virtue is swept away/ in the tidal destruction/ in the moral melee//
from “thick as a brick...” (Jethro Tull).
Then when all is securely laid to waste the masters of algorithm and captains of philanthropy may rest in their bundle of accolades and honorary degrees and epithets. They can congratulate one another for yet another venture project. But in all actuality and what they cannot see is their role as morticians to prepare the body of nature for burial--- the Eric Schmidts the Mark Zuckerbergs, the vultures, the Bill Gates chewing up the carnage like raptors---esteemed gentleman and gentlewomen---Gini Rommety of IBM or David Keith at Harvard University sucking like a vacuum his dull vision to save the earth. We see the billions of dollars wasted by the Wizards of Nothing the Bezos like PT Barnum take all that is sacred and lay it all to waste because “there are suckers born every minute.”
Thanks for posting this...there is much in your commentary to ruminate,digest, and expound on...
Thanks for reading and commenting! It is a new style of writing---very undisciplined. Partly stream of consciousness.
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