If I’d lived my life by what others were thinkin’, the heart inside me would’ve died

I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity

Someone had to reach for the risin’ star, I guess it was up to me

"Up to Me" by Bob Dylan)

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Crossing the Rubicon: Dick Cheney's Role in 9/11

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Excerpt from the book...

On May 8, 2001 – four months prior to 9/11 – the president placed Dick Cheney in charge of “[A]ll federal programs dealing with weapons of mass destruction consequence management within the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services, Justice, and Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other federal agencies?” This included all “training and planning” which needed to be “seamlessly integrated, harmonious and comprehensive” in order to “maximize effectiveness.” This mandate created the Office of National Preparedness in FEMA, overseen by Dick Cheney. 15
Dick Cheney was placed directly in charge of managing the seamless integration of all training exercises throughout the entire federal government and all military agencies. On 9/11 Cheney oversaw multiple war games and terror drills, including several exercises of NORAD, the Air Force agency whose mandate is to “watch the sky.”
The evening before September 11th, 2001, the National Security Agency intercepted a communication between Khalid Shaikh Muhammad and the alleged ringleader of the 9/11 attacks, Mohammed Atta. The communication stated, “The match is about to begin.”
Were they “matching” their activities to the war games? Was the attack a rigged “match” between the defenders on one side, and the attackers with their accomplices on the other?
The White House was so infuriated when this communication leaked from the Senate Intelligence Committee that they threatened Senators with polygraphs and office searches for disclosing classified information. This leak struck a nerve within the White House.
We know multiple Air Force war games were running on the morning of 9/11, as documented extensively in the mainstream press. 16 What Crossing the Rubicon has documented conclusively is that there was a live-fly drill taking place on 9/11 titled Vigilant Warrior. Richard Clarke disclosed the name of this drill on page 4 of his book, but it was Major Don Arias of NORAD who confirmed the definition of the title “Warrior” to Mike Ruppert via email.
Warrior = JCS/HQ NORAD sponsored FTX, or field training exercise (live-fly). 17
That means that the Vigilant Warrior drill conducted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff involved at least one real commercial aircraft in the skies, intended to simulate exactly the kind of airliner hijack emergency presented on 9/11. Coincidence?
This was further supported by an April 18 2004 USA Today article titled, “NORAD had drills of jets as weapons.” The report cited NORAD officials who confirmed live-fly drills were conducted using hijacked airliners originating from the continental United States used as weapons crashing into targets including the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The specific drill USA Today referred to was “planned in July [2001] and conducted later” – likely on 9/11 itself. 18
Remember, on 9/11 the Bush administration claimed it had “no idea” aircraft would be used as weapons. Then why were they drilling such scenarios before and during 9/11? The White House dodged this by saying it wasn’t aware of these drills but that is a transparent lie. The drills took place in the White House! 19
Secret Service runs simulated attack field exercises – exactly what Vigilant Warrior was. This Joint Chiefs of Staff drill was likely being run through Secret Service lines of communication by a central command under Cheney’s control. 20
Additional war games on 9/11 included Northern Vigilance, an exercise that pulled Air Force fighters from the east coast of the United States up into Canada and Alaska simulating an attack out of Russia. All of those fighters were rendered useless as the 9/11 plot unfolded – too far away to respond.
One of the components of this drill included “false blips” (radar injects simulating aircraft in flight) placed on FAA radar screens. 21 At one point FAA head Jane Garvey said they suspected up to 11 hijackings on 9/11. Was she saying they couldn’t determine which were real, which were simulated, and which were live-fly military exercises?
Regardless, all of this rendered Air Force response on 9/11 useless.
In Air War Over America it is documented that General Arnold of NORAD didn’t pull out of the war game titled Vigilant Guardian until reports of flight 93 being hijacked were coming in. That was at 9:16, a total of 54 minutes after it was known that flight 11 was a hijacking. 22 What took so long? Were there still “false blips” on FAA radar screens at this time?
There were likely false blips on screen even after 9:16. The Kean Commission’s report introduced “phantom flight-11” as being reported by the FAA at 9:25 on 9/11. The FAA reported flight 11 was heading to Washington D.C. at that time when in fact it had already struck the World Trade Center. The Kean Commission’s report stated they were “unable to locate the source of the mistaken FAA information.” 23
“Phantom flight-11” was a false blip, but since the war games are classified, specific information on “false blips” and other details can’t be reported.
Now imagine being an air traffic controller with both real planes and “false blips” simulating hijackings on your screens when suddenly there are real, multiple, hijackings. Where do you send the few Air Force fighters that you have? You can’t guess wrong, you don’t have enough assets for that. The FAA doesn’t even make that decision, the military does. The Kean Commission managed to scapegoat the FAA in their report, but the Air Force itself confirmed the FAA did its job properly on 9/11 in Air War Over America24
There were more 9/11 war games including Northern Guardian, Northern Denial (recently confirmed by an Assistant Editor at Harper’s magazine) and an unnamed National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) drill for a plane crashing into NRO headquarters at precisely the time of an actual crash in New York.
Another coincidence?
War games, terror drills and exercises are run by the military quite frequently. In this case, they mirrored the real attacks of 9/11 with such shocking congruence as to be beyond the realm of coincidence.
This is made clear when we consider the warnings that had flooded U.S. Intelligence prior to 9/11, indicating that terrorists were planning to hijack aircraft and crash them into American targets on the ground during the week of September 9th, 2001. 25 With that type of information, who in their right mind would then schedule war games that would leave New York and Washington D.C. completely undefended?
We’ve already shown that the man in charge of managing all such programs was Dick Cheney. Among the central decision-makers for the scheduling of so many simultaneous exercises would be Dick Cheney and Ralph Eberhart, head of NORAD.
It certainly was a perfect “match.”
The Maestro
The most important revelation made about the 9/11 war games comes again from Major Don Arias of NORAD. With multiple war games running, there had to be someone coordinating them.
“Yes, there is an exercise maestro,” said Don Arias in a phone interview. 26
So who was the maestro?
Mike Ruppert called every relevant military and government office looking for an answer to this question and received no response. At the final 9/11 Commission hearing on June 17, 2004, I asked General Ralph Eberhart – the man in charge of NORAD on 9/11 – who was in charge of coordinating the war games that day. His only response was, “No comment.” None of the commissioners, including Chairman Kean, could answer this question. 27
FTW’s research has concluded the maestro was either Dick Cheney, Ralph “Ed” Eberhart, or both. Whoever the maestro was, he was certainly under Cheney’s management as per the May 2001 presidential mandate.

-----------------------------More on Ralph (Ed) Eberhart--------

Point MC-9: The Activities of General Ralph Eberhart during the 9/11 Attacks

NORAD is the US-Canadian military agency responsible for defending North American airspace. Its traditional operating procedures – according to which planes are to be intercepted when they deviate from their courses, turn off their transponders, or permanently lose radio contact – were not followed on 9/11.
As the commander-in-chief of NORAD on 9/11, General Ralph E. “Ed” Eberhart was ultimately responsible for all of NORAD’s failures on 9/11 – most importantly, the failure to intercept hijacked airliners before they could strike the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. The fourth airliner, UA 93, which was reportedly headed towards the nation’s capital, may have been shot down by NORAD, but NORAD has denied this. Accordingly, the official story about 9/11 is that NORAD was four-for-four in failing to intercept hijacked airliners that day.
Nevertheless, in spite of NORAD’s disastrous failures under General Eberhart’s leadership, he was never held accountable or even criticized. Indeed, he was promoted shortly after 9/11 and later called a “9/11 hero.” [1]
Unlike others, such as Gen. Richard Myers and Gen. Henry Shelton, Eberhart has not written an account of his actions on 9/11. Likewise, he was seldom discussed by the 9/11 Commission. Accordingly, we do not know much about his actions that day. But enough has been said and reported by officials and the media to add up to an official story about his actions.
The Official Account
  • “On the morning of 9/11 General Eberhart was in his office at headquarters—roughly 30 minutes away from Cheyenne Mountain, where the operations center is located.” [2]
  • “Eberhart received a call at 6:45 AM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time, or 8:45 AM EST [sic EDT] from CMOC’s [Cheyenne Mountain Operation Center’s] Command Director (CD) that informed him of the ongoing circumstance of a suspected hijacking on the East Coast. He was told that this was a non-exercise. He went to his office, and saw the CNN broadcast of the World Trade Center explosion.” [3]
  • It seemed to Eberhart that there was “great confusion in the system” at this time. (This was also stated by Canadian Lt. Gen. Rick Findley, the Battle Staff Director at Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center, who later told the 9/11 Commission that, following the second attack on the Twin Towers, there was “confusion as to how many, and which aircraft, were hijacked.” [4]) When Eberhart learned about the second WTC attack, it became obvious to him that “an ongoing and coordinated terrorist attack” was underway. [5]
  • Eberhart tried to contact Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Henry Shelton, but could not, because Shelton was on a plane to Europe to attend a NATO meeting. [6]
  • Eberhart then contacted the acting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Richard Myers, who was on Capitol Hill meeting with Senator Max Cleland. Eberhart called Myers sometime between 9:03 and 9:30 AM, hence before the report of the Pentagon attack, which took place at approximately 9:37 AM. [7]
  • Eberhart updated Myers about the crisis, telling him that the Twin Towers had been hit, that NORAD would be launching fighter jets in response, and that he was working with the FAA to get all non-military planes in the United States grounded. [8]
  • According to Myers, Eberhart told him that there were “several hijack codes in the system,” [9] which meant, said Myers, “that the transponders in the aircraft [were] talking to the ground, and they’re saying … we’re being hijacked.” [10]
  • Eberhart next said that he was going to remain at Building 1 of Peterson Air Force Base – the headquarters of the US Air Force Space Command (of which Eberhart was also the commander) – because “he did not want to lose communication.” However, he then decided to drive to NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center, leaving at “approximately 9:30” EDT (or 7:30 MDT), which would have been shortly after his conversation with Myers. As to why Eberhart took this trip during the crisis, he explained that things had “quieted down” and the Operations Center “had communications capabilities not available at Peterson.” [11]
  • Although, according to the 9/11 Commission, making the 12-mile drive normally takes “roughly 30 minutes,” it took Eberhart 45 minutes. As a Washington Poststory reported later, the trip “can be time-consuming if traffic is bad.” [12] During this period, it was later reported, Eberhart “couldn’t receive telephone calls as senior officials weighed how to respond,” [13] or at least could not hold them: He “lost a cell phone call with Vice President Dick Cheney.” [14]
  • At 9:49 AM, Eberhart, during the Pentagon’s air threat conference call, ordered “all air sovereignty aircraft to battle stations, fully armed.” [15]
  • The 9/11 Commission asked Eberhart why he, after realizing that there was an organized attack against the country, did not implement the plan called SCATANA (Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids), which would clear the sky of all non-military planes, so that the military would have complete control of the U.S. airspace. Eberhart explained that, with the radars it had, NORAD would not have been able to “control the airspace that day,” so if SCATANA had been implemented suddenly, even more problems would have developed. In response to those within NORAD who had advised him to implement it immediately, Eberhart said: “I will execute SCATANA once you have a modified SCATANA that … doesn’t cause a bad situation to become worse.” Two hours after the second plane hit the WTC, Eberhart was able to execute the modified SCATANA. [16]
The Best Evidence
An examination of the evidence shows that Eberhart, rather than being considered a “9/11 hero,” may well be the opposite. This evidence can be divided into two categories:
  1. Eberhart made several contradictory and implausible statements.
  2. Eberhart also caused delays by virtue of his actions and omissions.
1. Eberhart made several contradictory and implausible statements:
The official story about Eberhart contains the following elements, discussed in the order they appeared in the summary above:
  • Eberhart said that he first tried to contact Gen. Shelton, finding that he was on the way to Europe. However, given that Shelton’s trip had been planned for some time, the claim that Eberhart did not know when his immediate superior (the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) would be absent is not credible.
  • Eberhart said that he called General Myers while the latter was on Capitol Hill – which, as shown in the 9/11 Consensus Point about Myers, [17] was false.
  • Although Eberhart reported that the hijacked airliners, having used the hijack code, were talking to the ground, the failure of all eight pilots to squawk the hijack code is one of the main problems with the official account. [18]
  • Although Eberhart justified driving to the Operations Center by saying that things had “quieted down,” two hijacked airliners were still in the air (which his statements about several hijack codes implies that he believed).
  • If he had a good reason to get to the Operations Center, he could have taken the quick helicopter trip (rather than wasting 45 minutes or longer driving the distance). [19]
  • Although Eberhart claimed that he was unable to communicate by cell phone during the trip, he at 9:49 AM (7:49 Mountain) reportedly ordered – during an air threat conference call – interceptor pilots to get to their battle stations. [20]
  • Although “battle stations” sounds like an effective action, it actually means that pilots wait in their jets with the engines off, so they were not ready to scramble immediately. [21]
  • Eberhart’s claim that he could not implement SCATANA immediately, without making a bad situation worse, is not credible, given that SCATANA was a procedure set up for emergencies, and the modified SCATANA would have surely been already worked out, especially given the fact that NORAD was doing exercises at the time, including a plane crashing into a Manhattan skyscraper. Also the NORAD officers who were urging Eberhart to order SCATANA evidently saw no problem with doing so.
Accordingly, the official account about Eberhart contains inaccuracies, extraordinary claims, and actions and omissions through which the interception of the hijacked airliners would have been delayed.
2. Eberhart caused delays through further actions and omissions
There were additional irregularities regarding Eberhart’s actions, omissions, and statements:
  • It is standard operating procedure for NORAD to intercept a flight if it has lost radio contact, turned off its transponder, and gone off course. This was true of all four 9/11 flights and yet NORAD, under Eberhart, did not intercept any of them. [22]
  • As to why NORAD failed to intercept, it gave out a timeline in 2001, claiming NORAD knew about the hijackings and tried to intercept the airliners but could never get there in time. [23] NORAD told this story from 2001 until 2004. But then, in The 9/11 Commission Report, it gave a completely different account, according to which (1) the FAA failed to alert NORAD about American 11 until it was too late for jets to reach it and (2) the FAA failed to tell NORAD about all three of the other flights until after they had crashed. [24]
  • Regarding American 77 (which reportedly hit the Pentagon), Eberhart and the 9/11 Commission said that “NEADS never received notice that American 77 was hijacked.” [25] But if that were true, why did Eberhart, about six weeks after the attacks, tell the U.S. Senate that NORAD had scrambled jets at 9:24 AM after being notified that hijacked American 77 was coming towards Washington, adding that this was a “documented notification”? [26] Did the 2004 timeline mean that Eberhart’s 2001 statement to the Senate was a lie? Or did it mean that the FAA was lying when it emphatically said that it had shared “real-time information” with NORAD and the Pentagon about “all the flights of interest, including Flight 77.” [27]
  • As to why the new story may have emerged: The 9/11 research community had shown that NORAD’s first timeline did not excuse NORAD, because there would have been time to intercept the airliners before the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were hit. In June 2004, while the 9/11 Commission Report was being prepared, Eberhart said that this view was correct – that if NEADS had been told about the flights when the FAA claimed, his people would have been able to “shoot down all three of them — all four aircraft.” [28]
  • When Eberhart was interviewed by the 9/11 Commission in March 2004, he said he had “no knowledge of the circumstance [sic] that initiated the scramble” [29] of fighter jets at 9:24 AM fromLangley. Having learned that NEADS had scrambled those fighters in response to a false report – that American 11, which had hit WTC 1, was still airborne and heading toward Washington DC – Eberhart said that he had learned about this false report only “recently.” [30] It seems incredible that the head of NORAD would have been ignorant about which fighters had been scrambled until two and a half years following the attacks.
  • Eberhart had the responsibility of setting the alert levels of the INFOCON, which defends against attacks on the Pentagon’s communications networks. Just 12 hours before the attacks, INFOCON was reduced to its least protective level and then not raised until after the second WTC attack. [31]
  • Eberhart was also in charge of many of NORAD’s military exercises (“war games”) that occurred on 9/11, such as Vigilant Guardian, which had a scenario in which terrorists hijacked an airliner with the aim of attacking New York City. The exercise was conducted “sim over live,” meaning the simulated hijackings were to be inserted into the live air traffic control system. As a result, NEADS personnel for some time were uncertain whether the radar tracks were real or simulated.
    According to Eberhart’s own testimony, he realized after the second WTC attack, hence shortly after 9:00 AM, that a “coordinated terrorist attack” was underway. Eberhart was the person with the primary responsibility to protect Canada and the US from attack, and yet he allowed the war games to continue until after 10:00 AM.
    Moreover, radar personnel at Cheyenne asked NEADS to “get rid of this goddamn sim.” According to a 9/11 Commission interview with Canadian Lt. Gen. Rick Findley, who was NORAD’s Battle Staff Director at Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center on the morning of September 11, there was, following the second attack, “confusion as to how many, and which aircraft, were hijacked.” [32] Nevertheless, the sim remained until after the time of the Pentagon attack (at 9:37 AM). When asked about the impact of the military exercises by the 9/11 Commission, Eberhart falsely claimed that they had “at most cost us 30 seconds.” [33]
  • Researcher and reporter Michael Kane of Global Free Press, who was on the scene at a 9/11 Commission Hearing, reported: “After General Eberhart’s sworn testimony, I asked him who was in charge of coordinating the multiple war games running on 9/11. He replied: ‘No Comment.’” [34]However, Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins from the North East Air Defense Sector (NEADS) told the Commission, “Exercises that are designed on the NORAD level are created at planning conferences. NORAD planning exercises are mostly held at Peterson,” which is where General Eberhart was in charge. [35]
Eberhart made several statements that were clearly false and others that were at least highly implausible, including:
  • that he decided it would be all right to drive to the Operations Center because things had “quieted down”;
  • that the airliner pilots had squawked the hijack code;
  • that he could not use his cell phone during his drive to the Operations Center;
  • that the military exercises would have delayed NEADS no more than 30 seconds;
  • that he had only recently learned that the 9:24 AM scramble was based on a false report about American 11;
  • that he called General Myers while the latter was on Capitol Hill.
Eberhart also caused delays through his actions and omissions:
  • by turning INFOCON down to the least protective level;
  • by taking 45 minutes or longer to drive to the Operations Center with a cell phone that reportedly did not work (which meant that Eberhart – like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers, Shelton, and Winfield – was reportedly incommunicado during the attacks);
  • by ordering interceptor pilots to “battle stations,” which meant that the pilots wait in their jets with the engines off, so they were not ready to scramble immediately;
  • by delaying to implement SCATANA until after the attacks were over;
  • by arranging multiple military exercises for 9/11, with at least one of them being “sim over live,” then not ordering removal of these confusing “sims” until after the Pentagon attack.
Finally, in agreeing with The 9/11 Commission’s statement that NORAD’s 2001 timeline was false, Eberhart implied that the military (under his control) had given a false account.
In short, Eberhart did nothing effective in response to the 9/11 hijackings – despite being present in the military’s teleconference as those hijackings were in progress – except to delay responses.
Considerable evidence points to Eberhart as having been derelict in his duty. [36]
A formal investigation should be launched to see if there is any other conclusion that could be reached.
References for Point MC-9
Gerry J. Gilmore, “Eberhart Tabbed to Head U.S. Northern Command,” American Forces Press Service, May 8, 2002; the Northern Command (NORTHCOM) is considered “the nation’s premier military homeland defense organization”; NORAD and USNORTHCOM Public Affairs, “NORAD and USNORTHCOM Honour 9/11 Heroes,” October 15, 2012.
The 9/11 Commission Report, note 228 on p. 465.
Ibid., p. 2.
General Myers confirmed that shortly after Eberhart’s call the Pentagon was hit while he was on his way back to it. Source: “Panel I, Day II of the Twelfth Public Hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.” Chaired by Thomas Kean, Chairman, June 17, 2004, p. 43-44.
Richard Myers (with Malcolm McConnell), Eyes on the Horizon: Serving on the Front Lines of National Security (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009), 9.
“Richard Myers, Interview by Jim Miklaszewski,”NBC News, September 11, 2002; Myers, Eyes on the Horizon, 9.
The 9/11 Commission Report, 465; T. R. Reid, “Military to Idle NORAD Compound,” Washington Post, July 29, 2006.
Bruce Finley, “Military to Put Cheyenne Mountain on Standby,” Denver Post, July 27, 2006.
The 9/11 Commission Report, 42; Pam Zubeck, “Cheyenne Mountain’s Fate May Lie in Study Contents,” The Gazette, June 16, 2006; Lynn Spencer, Touching History: The Untold Story of the Drama That Unfolded in the Skies Over America on 9/11 (New York: Free Press, 2008), 240.
The 9/11 Commission Report, p. 38 (pdf-p. 55), citing “DOD transcript, Air Threat Conference Call, Sept. 11, 2001.”
William B. Scott, “Exercise Jump-Starts Response to Attacks,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, June 3, 2002; 9/11 Commission, Twelfth Public Hearing, June 17, 2004, p. 70; Spencer, Touching History, 269.
9/11 Consensus Panel, Point MC-6: “The Activities of General Richard Myers during the 9/11 Attacks.”
9/11 Consensus Panel, Point Flt-1: “A Claim Regarding Hijacked Passenger Jets.”
“No reason was ever given (or requested) for why Eberhart did not fly directly to CMOC from Peterson, making use of the Cheyenne Mountain helicopter port,” Kevin Ryan, “The Case Against Ralph Eberhart, NORAD’s 9/11 Commander,” January 12, 2013.
The 9/11 Commission Report, p. 38 (pdf-p. 55), citing “DOD transcript, Air Threat Conference Call, Sept. 11, 2001.”
Leslie Filson, Air War Over America: Sept. 11 Alters Face of Air Defense Mission (Tyndall Air Force Base: 1st Air Force, 2003), 55; Lynn Spencer, Touching History, 27.
NORAD, “NORAD’S Response Times, Sept. 11, 2001,” September 18, 2001.
The 9/11 Commission Report, pp. 18-30 (pdf-p. 35-47).
The 9/11 Commission Report, p. 34 (pdf-p. 51).
1st Fighter Wing History Excerpt, July through December 2001: 61.
Vigilant Guardian 01-02 Planning Document; “’Real-World or Exercise’: Did the U.S. Military Mistake the 9/11 Attacks for a Training Scenario?” Shoestring 9/11, March 22, 2012; “ ‘Let’s Get Rid of This Goddamn Sim’: How NORAD Radar Screens Displayed False Tracks All Through the 9/11 Attacks,” Shoestring 9/11, August 12, 2010; 9/11 Commission, Twelfth Public Hearing, June 17, 2004. 9/11 Consensus Panel, Point ME-2: “The Claim that the Military Exercises Did Not Delay the Response to the 9/11 Attacks”.
Kane spoke to Eberhart following the Commission’s Twelfth Public Hearing, June 17, 2004. Source: Don Jacobs, “The Military Drills on 9-11: ‘Bizarre Coincidence’ or Something Else?” In Paul Zarembka, ed., “The Hidden History of 9-11-2001,” Elsevier, 2006, p. 129.
9/11 Commission Interview with Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins, North Eastern Air Defense Sector (NEADS) field site visit, October 30, 2003, p. 3.
“Dereliction of duty is a specific offense under United States Code Title 10,892, Article 92, and applies to all branches of the US military. A service member who is derelict has willfully refused to perform his duties … or has incapacitated himself in such a way that he cannot perform his duties [as when Eberhart took his long drive] … Article 92 also applies to service members whose acts or omissions rise to the level of criminally negligent behavior.” (“Dereliction of Duty,” Wikipedia, accessed April 2015).

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bob Dylan Radio

Click for BobDylan radio....

THis is a great internet radio station....

Chris Hedges' Recent Column: Capitalism's Cult of Human Sacrifice

Chris Hedges can even go further with this idea---capitalism's cult of human sacrifice is not merely limited to the toxic waste of an oil refinery, but is revealed in the words of Former President Bush on Memorial Day mentioning the blood that is shed on the altar of democracy... Such a remark is a blasphemy since democracy after all is not a sacred religion. The unborn innocent lives which are routinely aborted. Other innocent or minor thieves being shot down by corrupt and barbaric police practices. But most of all it is to take God's people and force them to submit to the corrupt medical practices and the pickle game between the AMA, insurance companies and big Pharma which just play their anti-health agenda like a game of pickle at the expense of sick people just so the fatcats can live in luxury and drive expensive cars. Those people who exploit their own sick and dying or unborn citizens for filthy lucre are to be honest the poorest of the poor. The other cult of sacrifice concerns the meaningless jobs that people are compelled to undertake in cubicles pretending that their labor has some sort of value and meaning but the vast majority is wage slavery and the mind-numbing 9-5 strips God's people of their innate creativity and genius and pays then with the devalued dollar while the govt drives the economy deeper into debt spending billions of dollars on wars that will never return a thing to the citizens but profit foreign globalists and one-percenters. It is a crying shame all the way around!

Please click for link...

Friday, December 11, 2015

Thanksgiving Reflections: 2015

Looking at these horrible artifacts of the contemporary media one indeed gets the sense that we are living to witness the culmination of this age as revealed in the final book of the Bible. Certainly it is clear that Satan, the Prince of the Air is the ruling authority of this world, although this is not news to an erstwhile student of the Bible! And we still see that the ruling dynastic families are yet pulling the puppet strings to usher in their finest hour---the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Bushes carefully hidden in their puppet theatres while Monsanto claims yet another copyright to the genomic sequence of yet another food source and DuPont unfolds another toxic, cancer causing compound for which their stockholders (university investment portfolios and so-called christians) stand to laugh all the way to the bank. And in Washington the chiefs of FEMA plot nefarious training exercises including Jade Helm 15 guaranteed to further disenfranchise american values and liberties in the name of an insane obsession with security. President Obama's executive order #13603, the Mossad 9/11 cover-up---murder, thieving and lying rampant since the days of the last ancient Roman kings---all of these are "best practices" perfectly and deeply revealed in the powers that be amongst the one-percenters, illuminati and protected by the ethics of their corporations and loyal minions dazed and confused at the wonder of the newest technological applications which blind them to any moral consequence or any value to authentic human aspirations.

And yet, this is all news from a foreign land as I gaze from my bedroom window onto the late November landscape so many subtle shades of brown-grey and green, the treetops on the mountainside so uniformly barren---the mild weather so typical of this season, no snowfall as of yet and still winter marches on vanquishing Summer's fair, verdant reign.

Therefore I give amazing thanks to the Lord even though World War III rages far and near and the inner cities of America are torn asunder in racial strife. Washington has fallen into the hands of a globalist cabal hidden from the eyes of the citizens who might notice that the emperor wears no clothes as the hands of the puppeteers guide the Commander in Chief's  every move as though in a well-choreographed ballet with every gesture advancing the incremental deterioration of the core american values of citizen rights and constitutional legitimacy. We are no longer in Kansas, Dorothy! Hell we aren't even in the USA! A platinum wedge has been driven between the de facto corporate hegemony and its authentic democratic traditions, another firewall separates the legitimate interests of the citizenry and the politicians who purport to represent them in Sodom and Gomorrah. Another divide exacerbates racial divides, the rich and the poor while FEMA stockpiles millions of rounds of ammunition and bayonets for their internal war games within the Vaterland. The rich abuse the poor and the old are seduced by the young to quote the great american  poet. Militarized police forces like black padded Ninja turtles march mindlessly to the great Fuhrers mandates trampling the innocent and pure in the land of the free and the home of the brave as a Civil War stands poised to explode but on an entirely different scale than Lincoln witnessed. Great ethical heroes seem to be hidden while the lowest and basest members of the entertainment industry and Hollywood congratulate one another at yet another inane awards ceremony. 

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Chomsky Was Right: We Do have Grammar in Our Head

Lately I have been pondering the manner in which language works and a close friend forwarded this article concerning Chomsky's view of grammar which is deeply embedded in our language.

My interest is slightly different than Chomsky's however his work may be used to support my thesis. The main thrust of my idea is that "language speaks man"---this phrase comes of course from Heidegger. It dovetails neatly with the research I am presently conducting on poetry and how meaning "rises up" to language.

It is a technical discussion to be sure and I will not bore the reader at this point with technicalities! The upshot of my research will have immense potential for application in the current cultural milieu: in medicine, advertising, education and explain how humans interact with computing and law enforcement.
This might sound like an overstatement---overly bold---but if I can hammer out this idea and then get appropriate support for empirical research, I will be able to provide a set of practical suggestions which will be of great value in promoting ethical culture in the USA.

I will provide one example: Though the AMA and the medical establishment, with well intended do-gooders, advertize "awareness" for cancer for example Susan Komen fundraisers, and the pink cancer advocates which are found ubiquitously in the cultural lifeworld (on water bottles, billboards, pink ribbons, etc., etc... Their intention is to promote awareness of women's breast cancer with an eye toward treating this malady---whether it be in terms of treatment or education, the proponents of this movement are not aware that this 'awareness' actually promotes the incidence of cancer.
How is this so?

It is well known phenomenon that advertizing possesses subliminal impact upon buying behavior---both conscious and unconscious encounters with images and words actually promotes and manifests the effect of buying behavior and desire---why should this be any different with promoting pink awareness.?

I am only at the very beginning of this research project and being that I am merely mortal as well as finite, a lone researcher without any institutional funding, you will have to be patient--this will take a great deal of effort to produce results. There is no doubt in my mind that other researchers will join me in this undertaking but it will take time.  

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When You Gonna Wake Up Bob Dylan

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God don’t make no promises that He don’t keep
You got some big dreams, baby, but in order to dream you gotta still be asleep
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
Counterfeit philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts
Karl Marx has got ya by the throat, Henry Kissinger’s got you tied up in knots
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
You got innocent men in jail, your insane asylums are filled
You got unrighteous doctors dealing drugs that’ll never cure your ills
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
You got men who can’t hold their peace and women who can’t control their tongues
The rich seduce the poor and the old are seduced by the young
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
Adulterers in churches and pornography in the schools
You got gangsters in power and lawbreakers making rules
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
Spiritual advisors and gurus to guide your every move
Instant inner peace and every step you take has got to be approved
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
Do you ever wonder just what God requires?
You think He’s just an errand boy to satisfy your wandering desires
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
You can’t take it with you and you know that it’s too worthless to be sold
They tell you, “Time is money,” as if your life was worth its weight in gold
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
There’s a Man up on a cross and He’s been crucified
Do you have any idea why or for who He died?
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

Monday, December 07, 2015

Photos by Peter Wolf

'Cross the Green Mountain by Bob Dylan

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Cross The Green Mountain
Words and music Bob Dylan
Written for the soundtrack of the film Gods And Generals (2003), released on Tell Tale Signs (2008)
Lyrics taken from communal efforts at the Pool message board; tab by Eyolf Østrem

Two things are noteworthy from the guitaristic side. One is the continuously sounding -----3 (highest string, third fret), throughout most of the chords (see chord chart). The other is the bitonality of the second chord. Where I've written a G/b chord, some of the instruments play a Bm chord, which clashes with the -----3. There are some ways of approximating that on a single guitar, but none are completely satisfying; see suggestions below.
Apart from that, it's an interesting tune for three reasons: the difference between the two types of verses, which are so similar that it's hard to keep them apart, but still quite distinct; the irregular strophe structure, with the secondary verse form occurring three times, with a different number of “regular” verses in between. The third reason is more elusive, but despite its extreme simplicity, with basically the same chord sequence (Am7-G/b-C-D, reversed in the bridge) for just about every line, it still works wonderfully.
Capo 1st fret (sounding key Ab major)
C      x32013
G/b    x20003 or x20033
Am7    x02213 or x02013
Dsus4  xx0233
Dsus2  xx0230
Cadd9  x32033
Bm     x24432 (alternative to G/b)
Bm+G/b x24433 (hard)
       xx4433 (not so hard, but misses the bass note)
       x20002 (easy, but misses the high -----3)
       79978x (easy enough, but the move to the high position isn't ideal)

C   . . . G/b . . . Am7 . . . G     . . .
Am7 . . . G/b . . . C   . . . Dsus4 . D .

Am7                G/b      C             D
 I cross the green mountain, I sit by the stream
Am7             G/b           C                  D
 Heaven blazing in my head, I dreamt a monstrous dream
C          G/b     Am7        Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
 Something came up out of the sea
Em                C           D            Em
Swept through the land of the rich and the free

C . . . G . . . D . . .

I look into the eyes of my merciful friend
And then i ask myself, is this the end?
Memories linger, sad yet sweet
And I think of the souls in heaven who will meet
C . . . G . . . D . . .

C           G/b          Am7            G
 Altars are burning with flames far and wide
C                    G/b  Am7             Dsus4  D Dsus2  D
 The foe has crossed over  from the other side
C               G/b  Am7                  G
 They tip their caps  from the top of the hill
Am7                G/b        Cadd9          Dsus4 . . . D . . .
 You can feel them come, more brave blood to spill
Along the dim Atlantic line
the ravaged land lies for miles behind
The light's coming forward and the streets are broad
All must yield to the avenging God

C . . . G . . C G . . .
The world is old, the world is gray
Lessons of life, can't be learned in a day
I watch and I wait, and I listen while I stand
To the music that comes from a far-better land
Close the eyes of our captain, peace may he know
His long night is done, the great leader is laid low
He was ready to fall, he was quick to defend
Killed outright he was, by his own men

C . . . G . C . G . . .

It's the last day's last hour, of the last happy year
I feel that the unknown world is so near
Pride will vanish and glory will rot
But virtue lives and cannot be forgot

C . . . G . . . D . . .

The bells of leavening have rung
There's blasphemy on every tongue
Let 'em say that I walked in fair nature's light
And that I was loyal to truth and to right

C . . . G . C . G . . .
Serve God and be cheerful, look upward, beyond
Beyond the darkness of masks, the surprises of dawn
In the deep green grasses of the blood stained world
They never dreamed of surrenderin', they fell where they stood
Stars fell over Alabama, I saw each star
You're walkin' in dreams, whoever you are
Chilled are the skies, keen as the frost
The ground's froze hard and the morning is lost

C . . . G . C . G . . .

A letter to mother came today
Gunshot wound to the breast is what it did say
But he'll be better soon, he's in a hospital bed
But he'll never be better - he's already dead

C . . . G . C . G . . .

I'm ten miles outside the city, and I'm lifted away
In an ancient light, that is not of day
They were calm, they were blunt, we knew 'em all too well
We loved each other more than we ever dared to tell

C . . . G . Cadd9 . G