It is difficult to tell who is more the pawn, who the puppeteer.
Saddam, the US puppet is executed.
Bush, puppet ruler of America.
The American people, pawns of corporate lobbyists and corporate media disinformation.
US November elections, democratic puppet strings to satisfy US voters that the Iraq war will be terminated. Today, Bush tells us that more sacrifice of innocent life is required for more blood to be offered up on the altar of democracy. Gleefully US citizens enjoy the elimination of Saddam Hussein. Hussein's declaration that the war in Iraq would be the "Mother of all Wars" remains truthful, while Bush's predictions, strategies, and 'promises' have all turned out to be lies. Bush's batting record is zero. Bush has not delivered one truthful, or accurate report either on domestic policy or foreign policy. Saddam's word was true...
Considering bin Laden's stated goals for 9/11 have all come true with a vengeance, you may not like his modus operandi, but as far as setting goals, and accomplishing them, his will continues to dominate US policy, in this his success is total since it was the stated goal of 9/11 to bring about a revolution in American democracy. Bush has played pawn to this prophecy just as he has fulfilled Saddam's war to execute the "Mother of all Wars."
US intelligence has played into both of these "madmen's" hands.
Of course, you can ay that Bush is illiterate and ignorant as though somehow not responsible for his acts. There is a point where presidential ignorance though convenient for Neocon puppetry, cannot pass muster. It is the point that we see that he alone sheds innocent blood for his friend's wealth or whatever drunken agenda he is conforming to.
The "obsession with homeland security and terrorism in Iraq" is precisely what Hussein and bin Laden brought to pass. In terms of ethical leadership, we might say that this obsession is not a freely chosen American goal, but on the contrary, it is 'heteronomous' to use a scholarly term. An example would be a husband bored with his wife says, "Go ahead, cheat on me." And she says, "O.K." The woman thinks it is her free choice, when in fact the motive for her act of infidelity is 'heteronomous'---comes from someone else, her husband. US political leadership in all of its ignorance plays pawn to men leaders like Saddam and Osama, they have fallen into their trap in an analogous manner.
Why can't American analysts grasp that there are men in this world whose role is solely to bring forth war and the destruction of all? These men are many times more powerful and intelligent than US leaders. The Bible tells of such men and women.
Bush's great legacy is that he fell into the hands of strategies and powers that he is completely ignorant of. He has no comprehension of the nature of his adversary.
Therefore the lessons to be drawn from 9/11 is that US policy is heteronomous, that is, not inwardly governed, but governed by foreign powers and intelligence. Two, the men who govern the American are deemed madmen which hides the fact that their madness is extremely effective. If Hussein wanted the "mother of all wars" in Iraq, he got it, he won. If bin Laden wanted to unravel American democracy, he succeeded in spades in U.S. domestic policy and in Iraq, so that "democracy and freedom" is seen as homeland security, illegal military occupation, oil mania, and total disinformation and ignorance for the American voters.
If Soviet leaders had hand groomed a leader to penetrate American politics and undermine the democracy, they could have done no better than the current administration. If a power of aliens sought to transplant imposters to undermine America, they could have done no better than Cheney/Bush/Rove/Rice, etc...
If American multimillionaires could give a damn about anything other than the preservation of their family's wealth they could see that as Republicans they were played as pawns by Karl Rove. They could see that the accumulation of wealth is ripping and tearing the American fabric. They could see that they live as monarchs, lord and kings and not as citizens.
The American people are so "drugged up " on the American dream and the American religion that like Dorothy outside of the Emerald City they sleep not understanding how corporate boards have whispered their aspirations, their goals and their agenda so that the citizen no longer can see the Wizard wheeling madly behind his curtain, and there is no way back home.
If you make a dollar from war stocks then you participate in the shedding of innocent blood and this becomes the substance of your wealth. If there is any 'profit' from this unrighteous war then all of the citizens that are spoken of as "fellow Americans" by its leader are complicit in its evil.
Bush may not be held accountable for the innocent blood he sheds, but history will mark that the unravelling of America as a world power was consumated under his watch. He placed the ultimate national security directly in "harm's way" while Rice and Cheney made certain that the Uncle Sam caught the 'silver bullet' in his heart.
Are these people aliens sent here to undermine American democracy? Is Cheney a Soviet defector who realized the best way to destroy American democracy is to promote homeland security? Do multimillionaires care about anything other than their companies, their families, their wealth? Does an honest American working man or woman have anything in common with these leaders and rich folk? Does anyone have a clue what America stands for, what are its values, and virtues, what honest gifts can the US offer the world, by what right does it continue to exist if it has eradicated its constitutional legitimacy, its democratic imperatives?
Or has it become a pawn of foreign madmen to bring strife and destruction to this world, to exchange lie for truth, corruption for honesty, greed for integrity, patriotic ignorance for "intelligence"? Does anyone have a concept of what it means to be an American citizen?
US democracy, the greatest puppet, pawn and puppeteer the world has ever known.