If I’d lived my life by what others were thinkin’, the heart inside me would’ve died

I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity

Someone had to reach for the risin’ star, I guess it was up to me

"Up to Me" by Bob Dylan)

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Age of Consequences documentary

Another slick professionally made PR tools to promote geoengineering in the name of sustainability--
it is obvious that the goal in producing such a lavish and slick documentary is to establish a consensus that climate intervention is a necessity---a risk to be sure (hence the title---since when has there been an age without consequences?)  I encourage viewers to clearly see the tendentious manner in which this documentary was created---every thesis and point it makes with a clear overarching heuristic--to justify radical geoengineering techniques such as carbon sequestration (the strawman) and chemtrails (the actual goal of this film's argument).

It's principal experts also have used TED talks toward this goal as well. Note that the term 'science' no longer has an empirical or evidential basis---climatologists and climate science seeks expert consensus in order to deploy putative solutions to the Global Warming Crisis---whether or not there is such a crisis is a matter of belief since there is no material evidence for such a thesis. Moreover it is a pseudoscience that parades as science, since there is no allowance for considering the matter with critical intelligence. It is simply that if one does not go along with the experts, one is called a kook.

Here is the trailer---

The film will be viewed at the State Theatre w/ a panel of experts on April 11, 2018

Having attended the last SCRIM film I know that no pre-screened (therefore authentic or real) questions will be addressed. All questions are gathered in advance of the film. 

Sunlight Research

Highly referenced research article concerning chemtrails.....

BTW: What exactly is 'Meteorology Practice'; as in David W. Titley is a professor of meteorology practice at Penn State?

Does the practice threaten the scientific legitimacy?
What other ___________ practice roles now exist (physics, medicine, etc.)


David W. Titley and David Keith: Scientists now Wear Two Hats

A new trend has scientists and in particular climate scientists also having simultaneous academic teaching positions and authority in public policy alongside consulting roles and roles within the government and defense departments.

Example #1: David W. Titley (retired US military, Penn State faculty in two domains, government role)


Example #2: David keith (harvard faculty in 2 domains; keith group)

Figure it out yourself---universities are now acting as double agents with top secret military research and public policy hidden in plain sight---